Mixed Blessings: End by T.N "Lilly" W-B BOOK 3

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'Everything must have a beginning, a middle and an end...my end."

My end is near but that's not what's coming now. In life and love, my end is that my life has become a full circle with many mixed blessings...

I can't outrun it.

I can't escape it.

It's in my DNA.

Chapter One

        Midnight. As the thunder rolls and the lightning flashes. He was gone, "BROM! BROM!" she shouted... "NOOOOO!" The rain starts to pour as Beccalaine stands and stares at the now vacant spot where her sick, pathetic of a fucking brother just stood. Her eyes widen in disbelief, her pulse was pounding beyond hard, she took shallow breaths for she could barely feel her breath. Rain washed away her tears as they fell on her face. She was beside herself because she never expected him to find her this soon before she had the chance to convince her grand-daughter to aide her in her mission but one way or the other, the girl would unbeknown to her, even if she had to bring a prophecy forward and to hell be damned. She saw the future, and in the rain, she could hear the silence despite the rain fell hard now, it was deafening her and she screamed and fell to her knees.

       At the club/restaurant. They were worn out but contented as they got out of the shower. Soft music was playing, it was coming from the tv in the dressing room next door, someone had left on, also they could hear the light traffic noises from the street because the window was left open. He grabbed her by the waist, pulled her closer, and ran his fingers through her wet hair. It was chestnut brown, flowing, and smelled like cinnamon, her own unique and very intoxicating scent. He kissed her quickly then he went to unfolded the day bed that was in the dressing room. She had a daybed just in case she was too tired and didn't want to drive or take a taxi to go home, the manager and owner had allowed her to stay whenever she wanted. He was happy to be alone at last with her and his thoughts. With everything that has happened lately, he truly was exhausted, he laid with her cradled in his arms. "So beautiful," he delicately whispered in her ear and with that he was asleep. Looking at Tristan while he sleeps, she played with his hair. 'I can barely breathe, he is so beautiful and he's mine, just one of the two that makes up my love life.' She shifted a little and turned her cell phone off, laid it on the little side table by the daybed. While deep in thoughts, she was staring at Tristan. 'I love Tristan like a friend at times, I want him as a lover but sometimes he is an enemy to me because of the way he treats me but all is fair in love and war as they say but if there is one thing that brings us all together it is love and hate, whether it comes from family, friends, foe or a stranger that is soon to be a partner.' With those thoughts, she fell asleep.

         Brom was flying through the air, coming from his impromptu meeting with his sexy beloved sister, on reaching his home, his thoughts were on the last part of their convo. 'A mere werewolf and a vampyr are no match for me my dear sister but you do owe me a child, our child,' as he licked his lips every time, he thinks of her and palmed his crotch remembering what she felt like. 'You owe me a child,' he repeats in thought smiling as he stepped onto the balcony of the penthouse apartment. Opening the double glass doors to the living room, he is greeted by his familiar, Isaac the snake. Isaac took human form. "Hello sire, how goes your night? He says hissing with a reptilian smile plastered all over his face. "It goes well, my beautiful friend. Well indeed." He smiled, handed his raincoat to Isaac and sat, while he put the coat away and then brought him a drink. They sat in silence by the fire. From out of nowhere Brom's mind wondered on the other one and just how much she looked like her in her old age. 'Beautiful.'  He was deep in thoughts but ever smiling. Isaac gave him a strange look unbeknown to him.

Mixed Blessings: End by T.N"Lilly" W-B  BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now