Chapter One: Can't Keep Me Down

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"Really Corrin? A babysitting gig? You're rubbish with kids."

I sighed glancing up from the advert I'd circled in red pen. "I don't have much of a choice Megan. At this point anything will do."

My best friend pulled a face before taking a slug of her coffee. "Yeah but looking after someone's brats all day while they're out having a good time? Seems more work for less money if you ask me."

"This one seems good." I reasoned, looking back down at the advert. "It's three nights of the week, which doesn't seem too bad. If they need you extra, they'll let you know in advance and pay the extra time. They're also paying fifty pounds an hour."

Megan nearly spat out her coffee. "Fifty bucks an hour? There's got to be a catch if they're paying that much."

"Well I won't know unless I try will I? I've got some valid ID. Pretty sure my CRB is still in date. Maybe that'll be enough to get me the job, even though I've not got any childcare qualifications."

Megan put her cup down, shooting me a sympathetic look. "You're really considering this aren't you?"

I sighed again, leaning back in the café chair. "Yes, I suppose I am. It'll at least help me out until I can find a full time job. Something is better than nothing right?" I hated how beseeching I sounded.

Megan picked up her mug again and attempted a smile. "Sure hun. I just hate seeing you reduced to searching for something just to get by you know? If I ever see the asshole responsible for all this I'm going to..." She trailed off, shaking her head as I tried to slam down on the memories infiltrating my head.

"It was my own stupid fault. But if you do see him, try and make sure you avoid jail time ok?" I smiled, trying to ease the tension.

Megan snorted. "Like I'd get caught."

"Well, you are leaving lipstick stains on your mug. That's some nice DNA evidence right there." I pointed out, still smiling.

She suddenly flicked her gaze at the rim of her mug, taking in the pinkish nude coloured stain coating the white ceramic. "True, but it could just be circumstantial evidence. I could still avoid jail time."

"It's times like this when I think we should take a break from the crime documentaries on Netflix."

"Never." Megan grinned. "Right come on then let's have a look at this sitter gig." She turned the paper towards her, supportive friend mode fully engaged now I'd successfully distracted her for a bit.

She perused the advert for several minutes. I could see her eyes reading and re-reading it, trying to catch anything untoward. "Well I guess there's no harm in checking it out. If anything seems off though, give me a call ok?"

"Will do." I promised, finally taking a sip of my hot chocolate. Oh that was good. Megan had insisted on me getting the deluxe one, with all the cream and marshmallows. She'd also insisted on paying for our order and wouldn't take no for an answer. She could be sweet like that sometimes. Though being CEO of the biggest beauty company in the UK, she could afford to be. She'd tried offering me a job at her firm when everything went south, but I kindly turned her down. I needed to stand on my own two feet for a while, build myself back up. That and the most I knew about beauty was which lipsticks I owned (all three of them). Megan had understood thankfully.

"Hey," I said, suddenly feeling sentimental. "You're a good friend you know?"

Megan paused at my words a soft expression taking hold of her face, before she quickly masked it smirking good naturedly. "I think you'll find I'm the best!"

"Ok, ok" I conceded laughing "You're the best friend a girl could have. Happy?"

"Yes. Now hurry up and drink the rest of your chocolate..."

"Before it goes cold?" I cut in, eyebrow raised.

"No, so you can email these people without getting distracted by the marshmallows." She turned the paper back to me, tapping her fingers above the advert.

"Alright, but I'm savouring the hot chocolate." Nobody gets between me and my hot chocolate. Not even Megan. I was starting to think I had a chocolate addiction with the amount I had at home and consumed, both beverage and otherwise. Eh, I'm sure its fine. I slowly took another deep sip, staring directly at Megan as I while she rolled her eyes at my antics.

Taking my time with my drink gave me chance to formulate what I wanted to say. Studying the advert again, the email address listed seemed like a family one. As there were no individual names included, "Dear Sir/Madam," was probably the best start. After all, I didn't know the dynamic and families came in all shapes and sizes. Then continuing with seeing the advert maybe? Or would it just be better to get straight to it? Nah, that might come off a bit creepy. Seeing the advert it would be. A bit about myself? That I'm a washed up secretary in financial ruin because of the manager's controlling son? Err... just gender and age then, so I could create the impression I was a responsible adult. I'll add in a part about liking video games too, might go in my favour if their kids are a bit older. I didn't have a scanner, so I could just say that I could bring my ID and other documents with me. That way they'd definitely know I was authentic, though I could attach my CV to the email and mention I was searching for a career change. Yes! Points to me! My mind gave the equivalent of a cheer rally at that promising idea.

Megan who'd been quiet brought my wandering thoughts back down to earth. "Hey space cadet, you going to send that email now or what?"

I glanced down at my now empty mug before smiling at her. "You know what? Yes. Yes I am."  

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