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i don't party and i don't talk alot. i stay to myself in my own world and that's how it's always been for me. besides my boyfriend of 7 years, 3 friends, their boyfriends and work, i never really socialize. clubbing has never been my thing either. the dim lights and blaring music never seemed appealing to me, unless ot was church. the most ive ever done is smoke at a kickback. but here i am on a friday at 2am in our local wild 22 club dancing with my hands in the air like it's sunday morning, with not a care in the world. my limbs are loose, my shoes are off and i feel free again. for the first time in a while i feel like myself. my friends dance with me with drinks in their hands taking an occasional puff from the hookah. their boyfriends were close behind them trying to get as much ass as possible. and then ofcourse there was me, just vibing by myself. i mean, i have a boyfriend and he could've been here tonight too, but this isn't really his scene. although it isn't mine either, my homegirls dragged me here and i'm not mad one bit. the song fades out and i take a sip of my drink as i walk back to our booth.

"olivia honey, you look awesome!" carey slurred to me. in our friend group carey is our flower child. she's super hipped out. i mean crystals, auroras, sages, all that! she's the one you call when you wanna get loose and just have fun. she's also our sex addict. its a new guy everyweek for her. she always saysit's to keep jer energies balanced with enoughtestosterone. but me and the rest of us know its because she's a horny butterfly.

"thanks babe..." i said holding my amrs out to embrace her drunk ass. she fell on top of me and we giggle profusely as the rest of the crew comes back to our table. we sit together while the club was still jumps and parties.

i couldn't stop thinking about bryan and the argument we had before my girls picked me up. he's so controlling and can't bare for us to disagree. but constantly picks at everythign i do. it drives me crazy. this time it was different, he was done and i was done. for once i could see how tired of arguing he was. it was painted across his chisled face, he didn't try to hide it. and i guess he could see it in mine too because he let it go and went into the bedroom. he still can't stand the fact after 5 years that i work long hours when he could take care of me. i wasn't raised to completely submit myself to no man. he brings it up everyone in a while, we argue for days, fuck it out and go on about our business till the next hiccup. It toxic, i know,  but he's all i have some nights.  he comes up with some new fuck shit everyday, i swear. but i love  him and he loves me. he says no women of his should be working as hard as i am because it looks bad on him as a man. but i enjoy my work, im a dance coach. it's one of the only ways i can leave all my relationship issues behind. talking with the kids and giving them advice about their problems makes me proud that these young girls won't make the same mistakes as me. i want to leave an impact on the community, just like my dad, before i retire. for bryan to be someone who claims to love me he doesn't seem to care or understand how much teaching means to me.  i clench my glass and it knocks over all on the table, taking me out of my thoughts.

"oh my goodness, guys i'm so sorry. i'll go get a towel and gon head and hit the hay. im tireeeed."

"hit the hay, what the fuck type country shit is that?" jacob roasts. "babe!" jasmine smirks hitting him holding back her scoffs. i swear she's dick whipped,  everything he says she cosigns.

"very funny, but i'll be back to clean this because i need to hurry up and get outta here." i don't even know why i engage with these too, theu start making out right in front of everyone.

"really? c'mon liv you can't go home to bryan.. you know he's gonna chew you out tonight. " zharia says concerned.

the vibe shifts, and i adjust my clothes,  "he's still my boyfriend and i owe him that. i'm tired of being scared of him." yes, he used to hit on me, but we've matured past that. he doesn't anymore. we were young and he didn't know any better.

"you just call or text me or zee or shit any of us if he puts his hands on you. i'm serious." marc says with the most nonchalant but intimidating tone. he's such a brother to me and i love him for it. zharia's lucky to have such a man.

"i got it guys. im good. i promise " i say with as much assurance i can muster up, even though i wasn't so sure myself.

i walk away to find the front desk to get some towels. i wasn't lying when i said i was extremely tired. i missed my bed so much. as i wandered through the club someone tapped me on my shoulder. "excuse me ma,"

i turned to face the person blocking me from getting in my nice warm and cozy bed. all i could see was the shadow of a tall figure. "yes?" i say with more attitude than i tried for.

"my bad," the person says backing off. i could now make out a hoodie and maybe some chains that caught in the light.

"no it's okay, what's up?" i knew i didn't have time to converstae but why not? whoever it is seems to be respectful and they smell good, i think i'm  safe.

"i just wanted to tell you that you are very beautiful and i saw you dancing across the club and i wanna get to know you and take you out ona date sometime. if you with that?"

the voice was dripped out ina smooth new york accent. it was sexy to say the least. i thought about which speech bryan would give me if he knew about this encounter. i couldnt decide between the one about me being too friendly or the one where everyone's plotting against him tryna get his girl and that's why i should never leave the house. i sigh the thought away.

"and who's speaking?" i say intrigued.

"my name is jaylyn but you can call me jay..and you?" i could see pearly whites and curly hair tied back into a pony tail. man buns are seriously hot!

"olivia, but you can call me liv,"

the person's hand reached for my hand planting a soft sentimental kiss. i couldnt help but blush. "nice to meet you olivia."

i took my hand away and smiled. "well i'm actually on my way to find some towels.." trying to get away before things escalated. "phat ma get wet like that, huh? i'll go with you."

butterflies fluttered around in my belly and i shruged and began to walk away. i felt them following behind. "so can i get yo number love?" i kept walking like i didn't hear.

when i reached the front desk the lighting was bright enough for me to finally see who was behind me, i turned and immediately jaw dropped.

she looks me up and down, licking her lips with her hands in her pockets.

my thoughts were consumed in the features of her face. "i'm not g-gay... and i have a boyfriend. " i stammered.

"yo boyfriend obviously didn't matter till now, so what's that about ma?" she said stepping closer to me, gettin in my face.

i feel my cheeks turning so red, "i- i- ion swing that way, sorry if i led you on." although i'm not attracted to girls, the women in front of me was very attractive. i've been in sexual situations with females when i was younger and exploring my sexuality. but it never got past the sex. i was speechless at the human in my prescence.

"you ain lead me on, jus take a chance. yo boyfriend ain doing you right huh? thats why you out here rn?"

i glanced down at my feet and swept a curl nervously behind my ear. she grabed my chin and lifted it level to hers.

"look at me."

"something like that, look i don't know you, and im sorry but im not gay and i don't feel comfortable sharing my business with you. you could be a sex trafficker for all i know."

she chuckled brushing her finger over a brush on my neck, "and he's not? i know thats not a hickey. don't knock it til you try it love, i'll change yo life. that nigga you dealin wit ain got shit on me." i knew she was right and thats why i stared down at my feet.

i looked to my right and then back at her. it was so hard to make eye contact with her fine ass.

"take my number, and you call me if you need anything."
she sliped a peice of paper in my hand and licked her juicy pink lips. this time i noticed she had a tongue ring.

"i wont." i smirked.

"you will." is all she said as she departed into the crowd. i stood alone near the desk. confused and dazed i just pull my car keys out and make my way to my car.  fuck that glass i spilled. i need to go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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