Learning To Breathe Underwater

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*Ethan's POV*

It was a rare occasion, seeing Mark in his swimsuit. Though, I have gotten to see many parts of Mark throughout the times we've spent together, beyond this. The swimsuit, I mean. And how swimsuits kinda look like boxers. And how nice it would be if they were white and as we to enter the hot tub they go translucent and all you see is--

Pull it together Ethan. It's like any other day, right? Just a nice challenge that I wish to overcome. The whole holding your breath thing, not my raging urges.

..... Maybe two challenges.
"A minute"
Woah, we just said that in sync, didn't we? Oh god, this may be harder than I thought. I'm pretty sure we're doing this in the hot tub, too. Testing out breath individually, I guess.

"That's how simpatico we are"

My face mildly heats up, but I don't think it's very noticeable. I can feel it though, and that's enough get me worried about how long this is gonna have to last.

Dear Lord help me.

*Marks POV*

Normal day, normal video, but pool styled. I know I can't hold my breath very long, but it doesn't take much to beat this whimp. Yeah, he's not very strong, more or less strong willed. I guess?

I mean, this isn't really a competition. I'm kinda catching here, since I was the one who did all the research and preparation on breath before this moment. If it were a competition, though, I would clearly win.

Ethan's so short, and odd, as well as stupid, easily manipulative, which makes him kinda cute, and it would be kind of nice if he would slither over here and let me pound right into---

Whoops, I did it again. Fuck.

"What if I told you, that I know for a fact, that after we get done today, you will be able to hold your breath for three minutes. " I say, knowing damn well that I can coach like a champ.

"That's probably correct, I've never really trained to hold my breath, it's always kinda been 'oh, leat's see höw well I can shtay undear wator'" Ethan replies

Welp, that's the name of the game, except we're gonna actually try something. "Let's get in the water" I say, confident that I got this.

And then we add the shitty transition, which is where things go haywire.

He went into the hot tub.
I spent like thirty minutes cleaning the pool, making everything spacious and well temperatured.

And he goes into the hot tub!


*Ethan's POV*

"You look mad, what's up? " I say as I cautiously enter the hot tub, not knowing why Mark looked at me in such a confusing way

"Do you know how long I spent, making sure that the  p O O l was well maintained so that we could do this. And you went into the hot tub. That was a good 30 minutes of my time! " Mark says, a little frustrated.

"But it's so warm in the hot tub, and we're just gonna get colder towards the end if we go that way" I say, not wanting to die today.

"Whatever, I can't really say no to warmth. " He responds. "Little shit. "

"I heard that" I reply

  I start going underwater first, Mark timing me as we go. I'm pretty sure I'm getting better and better each time. Mark gives me tips now and then, like 'completely fill up my lungs' or 'just relax, like it's not happening'

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