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Is 10:00 in the morning and am still in bed knowing is gonna be a bad day as always.
I slowly slide from bed, sat on the edge of the bed trying to find where I placed my walk stick,whiles searching for it I head my phone ringing for that it was close to me that I was able to reach it..........
Hello?.......who's this
Hello........who's this
Are you the blind girl I mean rose .....
Who are you and why are you been soo rude to someone you have no idea about
Am Ray and hope you've head about me..
Excuse me!
You called me of nowhere and called me blind which I usually don't get offended by that but also saying you are ray and hope have head about you is really silly and immature for a guy like you to even say.
I don't know who ever you are and I don't intend to know so please I think you had the wrong number dialed or stored on your phone so please don't trying calling back because am not going to pick.
I hanged up but the moment I put the phone in my bed,I head the phone ring again and I knew is the same dump guy called ray,I hang up again and this time I switched off the phone completely.

After trying hard and was unable to find my walking stick,I decided to walk my way through the room to get into the bathroom to shower.I tried not to hurt my foot so I had to walk step by step to avoid getting hurt but after long time of my steps and I head the voice of my mom calling me outside my room door
Come in mom the door is not locked as always .
How are you doing rose
Am fine mom but is just that am unable to find my walking stick
Am sorry darling,you were unable to find it because it accidentally fell on the floor and rowed away from the bed to the other side of the room.
That's okay mom but is just that am feeling bored and have nowhere to go to,I always hang around with friends only on weekends and always a short time.Am unable to go shopping with them,club and even go to the mall as well,and I only spent few hours with them because they can't take me nowhere mom...
Life is really hard mom ,I just wanna die !mom I just wanna die!
Come on rose,don't say that,you know you have me and your dad
Stop the tears baby girl am always here for you no matter what will happen in the future ok rose.
I know you and dad are always here for me but I need to be happy I want to see
I want to see how the world is like again.. It been 7 years since I had that accident and became blind ,I just want to regain my eyesight again mom that all I want mom

I know baby just wait a little while because is almost time for your next surgery rose and then you will be able to see again and everything will turn out to be how it was at first
I hope so mom
Now wipe the tears away and promise me you won't cry ever again

HAHAHAHA I won't cry ever again unless am deeply hurt.
Ok darling 
Ok mom but want to say this cause I may forget,as I was trying to find my walking stick,I head my phone ring and as I picked up the phone hahahaah a foolish psycho called ray called and on that he even called me blind girl funny right

Yeah darling,about that,he's called ray and he's your fathers trusted best friends son ..But sorry he called you that.
Don't worry mom I always don't get offended when am been called that,by the way why did he call me because I know nothing about him and don't even know he exists and to call my phone,it's really weird mom
Hahahhahaah my darling,I know it's weird but trust me there's no harm in him calling you.So tell me what happen from there
Ooh you mean foolish  ray ,I just told him not to call me again and it's a wrong number so I immediately hanged up and also switched my phone off
Come on rose,you should have not been rude to him you
But mom...he was rude to me first when he called
I know that but you shouldn't have also let him take whatever bitterness he gave you darling
I know but tell me,why was the need for him to call me this morning
Rose about that I think you have to meet me and your dad down stairs for that.so you just freshen up and meet us for breakfast.........Be careful in doin that darling
Ok mom ,will see you and dad within an hour or minutes
Ok darling

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you enjoy the rest as well........please don't forget to comment and vote....And also let me know your thoughts whenever you read a chapter.THANKS.



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