Bad Boy

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I waited patiently, watching the door. I hummed a song which was from some cartoon. I wasn't usually the one waiting on someone to come for a appointment. I was always the one who was late but this time this person was late. I looked at my clipboard of patients.

"hmm...his name is Remy? But what's the problem? why does he want to see me? it doesn't say anything...that's weird." I said with confusion. My attention snapped back as the door knob turned. The door flew open and a man came in with brown hair, Sunglasses, a unzipped black jacket with a plain white shirt underneath. "Hey! sup gurl sorry im late!" He said with a sassy tone. He took a sip of his drink. It looked like starbucks.

"Are you Remy Sanders?" I asked with a smile. He nodded and sat down with his leg crossed over the other. "Great! i was kind of worried you werent gonna come." i said. "yeah, whatever." he said with a voice that seemed like he was tired.

"um..alright then let's get started..." i said with my smile turning into a frown. "So Remy! Hello! do you how do?" i said cheerfully . He lifted up his sunglasses and looked at me for a moment, "honey, i didn't hear a thing you just said." he smarted off with a sassy voice again. "o-oh...sorry.." i stuttered. I looked down quickly, i was embarrassed that he didn't know what i meant. "not a fan ok.." i blushed. he put his sunglasses back down and took another sip of his coffee. "i meant how are you?" i said. "Ah!" he said, " to be honest i don't know my friends forced me down here." He said looking away from my gaze.

"oh..ok. Why?" i asked

"They said some doctor was down here and I should check him out or something i don't know." he explained.

huh? is that supposed to be me? "What all did they say about the doctor?" i asked with a smile.

" They said he had pink hair, glasses, and a brown suit with a pink tie." he said lowering his sunglasses and looking at me up and down...sexually.

I was getting uncomfortable, ''u-um....i-is that m-me??" I stuttered

" looks like. man, and they were right about are pretty hot.." he said biting his lip.

"u-um...thank you." I said beginning to sweat. I wasn't gonna let some stranger stop me from doing my job though. "Alright! Let's get started shall we. You had to come for some other reason? maybe you just need a check up. you do look kinda...tired." i said quickly. He took off his sunglasses and sat them down. and he took one more sip of coffee and then sat down too. He leaned in closer towards me looking straight in my eyes. "Sure doctor~" he said with lust in his eyes. Even though i'm not a real doctor i'm more like a therapist but today i was a doctor. (lol what)

I got up and took my seceicsope out and checked Remy's heart. "hmm...your heart is beating fine." i said calmly.  He wouldn't take his eyes off me which made me feel more nervous. 

This is going to be a long day...

To be continued...

Remy is a bitch-

Remy is a bitch and i dont like him one bitWhere stories live. Discover now