Part one

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CalumLife Story


It all started when Middle School ended and I met this girl during summer break, her name was Brittney. They said to stay away from her because she was "The Bad Girl" i didn't listen and this is what happend.


Britteny's POV

The bell rung that meant Middle School was over i was walking home since my mom was in jail and my dad was a drug addict which meant they couldn't and wouldn't drive me home when i was walking home their was this group of boys they are all nerds to me then this guy i think his name was Calum he just kept starring i said "What are you loking at?" he looked away and the other boys laughed a him ,

i met up with my friends at our normal hang out Yogo's Diner when i got there they were laughing i said "what's so funny" Melissa (One of Britteny's friends) said "This dude Ronald asked Darcy out" (Darcy was the good girl of the group Britteny's friend) we all started laughing Darcy said "Shut up guys it's not funny" we all stopped laughing and said sorry to Darcy , i said "Guys guess what" they al said "What"  i said "You know that guy Calum who hangs out with the geeks he kept looking at me like i was stupid then i said what are you looking at? and he stopped looking and all his friends laughed at him he walked faster it was funny you guys had to be there!" Carliey (Britteny's bestfriend) "OMG i so wish i was there!" they all laughed i did to , i looked at my phone and it was 7:55pm "Gosh guys i gotta get home! it's almost 8!" Carliey said "Really i have to get home too! bye guys" 


Chapter one complete that's just to give you guys a taste of the book all the pictures and Videos are all edited by me. :) (i won't have author notes i personally don't read them myself)'s  

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