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"Oh boy."

Strangers Came as Three and Left as Five

When Lanara thought of what she wanted to be when she grew up, it was never what she is now, never what she has been in the past 30 years.

She wanted to be an engineer. She wanted to work for the Republic, building ships and droids with her brother. She wanted to fly around the galaxy, explore uncharted territory. But most of all, she wanted to free her family from enslavement. Her owner wasn't as cruel to her as others were, but she knew she wanted freedom. She had never even seen another planet. All she knew was Tattoine.

That was enough sometimes, even the simplest things could make little Lanara happy. Like when she would spend hours creating C3PO with her brother, or when she would go out looking for spare parts. Life was simpler when she was building, all her troubles were far, far away.

Her family was everything to her. Her mother had spent their entire lives protecting them from harm. All she had ever wanted was for them to be happy. And her brother was no different. All either kid wanted was to be happy and to be with the other. Whenever they were together, they could solve any problem they had. The only time they weren't seen in a pair was when Anakin was racing.

Lanara loved the feeling of the wind in her face, but Anakin was the star pilot. Even at 8 years old, he was one of the best pilots on Tattoine. He always did love to drive. It was a rush, the wind in his hair, his sister's laughter when he returned. When she got the chance, Lanara always chose to race with him. Lanara loved piloting too, but mostly she loved the chase, the high stakes, the feeling of victory, and of course, Anakin's incredible driving.

Lanara was a star in a different way, a way only three people on Tattoine knew; she could use the force. She used it to help build speeders for her brother but was always careful to only use it when no one else could see her.

Shmi loved cooking. She would always call them to the table for what little dinner they could afford, but she always made it taste amazing. Their family was flawed of course, no father meant parenting twins was hard on her, but as soon as they were able to talk, they were tinkering all day. That made Shmi's job a lot easier.

But when she would put the kids to bed, she would pray to the gods, pray that the force would bring them someone to save them. But that savior didn't come for a long time, not until two Jedi came to her door with her children leading them in.

Shmi didn't turn them away. She knew that if the Jedi learned of her children's incredible talents, they were sure to get off the planet.

When they were summoned, what they did not know was that they would be saved soon, saved by Jedi, powerful peace keepers the kids were fascinated by, and saved by the girl Anakin instantly fell in love with when he saw her.

After some fussing, Anakin and Lanara were sent off to watch the store while Watto, their boss, was making a deal. But the kids don't wander far. When they hear the Jedi and Watto walk out back, they turned the corner again to talk to the girl and the Gungan, who was making quite the ruckus, touching and dropping what seemed to be everything in the store. When he calmed down, Lanara realized Anakin was staring at the girl, who looked quite uncomfortable. Finally, Anakin spoke.

"Are you an angel?" Anakin asked in awe, he had never seen someone so beautiful. Lanara snickered, elbowing her brother.

"Ani don't be weird!" She told her brother.

"I'm not!" He elbowed her back. The girl smiled and laughed a bit.

"What?" She asked, confused. She couldn't believe this little boy thought she was an angel.

"An angel," He started. Lanara could tell her twin was going to make a fool of himself soon enough, and she prepared herself for it, too. "I've heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They live on the moons of Lego I think." Lanara was on the verge of laughter. "They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. They are good and kind, and so pretty they make even the most hardened spice pirate cry." He said. He was genuinely asking, despite what the girl first thought. She was confused.

"I've never heard of angels." She said, even though she knew exactly the rumors he was talking about. Nevertheless, Anakin persisted, embarrassing his sister even more.

"You must be one...maybe you just don't know it." He said.

"Oh boy," Lanara said. She knew he was starstruck, and she knew he wasn't gonna give up until she left. She had heard of love at first sight from mystic travelers and nomads, and she was sure this was it.

"You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?" She asks, smiling.

"Since I was very little, three, I think. My Mom, sister and I were sold to Gardulla the Hutt, but she lost us, betting on the Podraces, to Watto, who's a lot better master than Gardulla, I think." He said. Lanara agreed. She remembered her time with the cruel Gardulla, never being allowed to leave until everything was perfect. At least Watto let them go home when everything is good enough.

"You're...a slave?" She asked. She thought slaves were outlawed on every planet, but perhaps there were some planets that ignored it.

"I am a person! My name is Anakin." He said defiantly. Lanara knew what the girl meant, but didn't bother to correct her brother.

"I'm Lanara. What's your name?" She asked. She was curious, a strange, perfectly clean girl in her store.

"Padme," She paused. "I'm sorry. I don't fully understand," She looked around the room. "This is a strange world to me." She was used to the luxury of having her own kingdom, a palace, a bed. She didn't know of the life of a slave.

"You are a strange girl to me." Anakin said. He meant it. He thought Padme was too beautiful to be on this planet. It was a planet of junkies, starving merchants desperate for income.

Suddenly, a tin sound made its way around the room and the kids turned to see the Gungan struggling to turn off a droid.

"Hit the nose!" Lanara shouted. He hit the nose and it collapsed into its dormant state. Lanara laughed and Anakin and Padme soon did too.

That was the day everything changed.

words: 1132

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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