Snow Day Pretend

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"It looks so cool out though mom, why do we have to stay in and play"? A seven-year-old Rin was pouting, his eyes staring outside at the falling snow blanketing the already white ground. It was winter break and the kids were at home. Rin had his best friend Sousuke over to play, but when the snow started falling harder, they were ushered inside to play.

Pitter patter of feet were heard as Rin's younger sister, Gou ran down the stairs her giggles being heard by the two young boys. She bounded over to her brother and started to jump around him and his friend.

"We can play pretend! It's so much fun, please, please, please!" The energetic child kept jumping around them both until Rin finally sighed and nodded. Gou was so happy, she grabbed both Rin and Sousuke's hands and dragged them up the stairs to her room.

"You both will love pretend! It's much funner than stupid soccer!" Both boys groaned as they were led into Gou's bright pink room, the overabundance of the color making their eyes hurt a bit if they stared at something for too long.

"What now?" Rin was still pouting, his arms crossed across his chest and bottom lip out to show his distaste at the whole situation.

"We pretend, silly!" Gou's shrill laugh rang out through the room as she ran to her toy chest, her little hands rummaging through the giant box, clearly on a mission to find something specific.

"W-What're we pretending t-to be?" The shy, timid voice of little Sousuke only made Gou grin as she started pulling out hats, swords and other toys and setting them to the side.

"Princess and Dragon!" Gou proudly proclaimed this as she pointed the toy foam sword into the air like she just proclaimed the sentence of the century. Sousuke stood silent as he silently giggled at Gou's silly stance. However, Rin only scoffed and stood to the side looking bored and not interested.

"So, you'll be the Princess and we're the Dragons that sounds so boring; come on Sousuke, let's go do something else!" Before Rin could make it to the door, Gou stood in front of it, a giant smile on her face as she tossed him the bright pink Princess hat. It was tall, pointy and had a glittering pink mesh hanging down in the back.

"I'm not the Princess, you are! I'm the Knight in shining armor and Sousuke's the Dragon! Now put the Princess hat on, Princess Rin."

"I'm not gunna be the Princess, I'm not a girl!" Rin only kicked the bright Princess accessory and glared over at his sister who still had the foam sword poised in an attacking position. Sousuke was silent as the siblings continued to glare at each other, he didn't like it when they fought like this so, always being the voice of reason, he stepped in between the two and picked up the Princess hat and put it on.

"I-I'll be the Princess and Rin can be the Dragon...d-does that work?" Both siblings just stared at Sousuke who had flushed cheeks. Gou was the first to break the silence and throw her hands up in the air and hugged Sousuke.

"You're so awesome Sou! Now, let's play!" Rin was still a little taken aback at what his friend just did, but he only smiled and let out a big growl, lunging forward to Gou. With her trusty sword, Gou stepped back and gave a battle cry as Rin and herself had an epic battle. Little Sousuke just sat back, Princess hat still on top of his head with a small smile on his face as he saw the two siblings having fun.

"Don't worry Princess, I'll protect you from this mean dragon!" Gou's high-pitched voice rang out, jumping in front of Sousuke, sword held high as she blocked Rin's "claws" from attacking the fair maiden.

"I'm not mean!" Rin protested as he gave a ferocious growl and lunged toward Gou, deflecting her sword as they continued their battle around the room. A loud rumbling echoed through the room making Sousuke laugh. It was Rin's stomach that growled, making the red head flush. Gou grinned and poked Rin's stomach lightly with the tip of her foam sword, giggling.

Snow Day PretendWhere stories live. Discover now