Death Block

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The room was silent and dark. The room's wallpaper was torn. The room is empty. This room is where the little girl named Crystal died. Racheal, Dylan, and Miranda are in the room, joking around like normal teenagers would do. Dylan decides to bring a "game" along to prank Racheal and Miranda.

"Don't you want to play this game? We can talk to spirits. It can be so cool!" Dylan said, trying to convince them to play.

"Fine, I'll play, what about you Racheal?" Miranda said.

Racheal studdered, "I, uhh, I think I'll just watch for now."

Dylan sets the "game" up, when all of a sudden, there is a loud and powerful blow of the wind.

"You guys... I'm scared..." Racheal shakes while he sets up the board.

"Come on, don't be a wimp. This is just a game, nothing bad will happen." Miranda said.

There was a long silence, but then Racheal finally gave in, "Fine, but don't scare me."

"Are you ready?"

The girls replied, "Yes." They lie their fingers on the planchette, chanting, "Crystal, are you there? Crystal, are you there?" The board has numbers, the letters of the alphabet, and the words: YES, NO, and GOODBYE.The planchette slowly moves to the word, YES.

Racheal immediently paniced, "I don't want to do this anymore!" She complained.

"Shhh!!! It's okay. Nothing bad is going to happen." Miranda told Racheal, calmly, "Crystal, is it really you?" It then moved it to YES again.

"Dylan! Stop moving it! Your scaring me! I know it's you the whole time!" Racheal protested.

"I'm not doing anything!" He took a deep breath, and asked the spirit, "How did you die?" The planchette moved to each letter, slowly. "K", "N", "I", "F", and "E". Racheal stared wimpering when Miranda hit Dylan on the head.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Stop joking around, I know your messing with us and your going to get Racheal sobbing any moment now so just admit it, your the one doing all this." Dylan just started laughing, hysterically.

"My god, that was hillarious! See, Racheal, I'm joking. Watch this not even move. How old are you?" The planchette moved suddenly to 9. Miranda was furious, while Racheal shook her head, telling herself that it's Dylan.

Miranda yelled at him, "Dylan! Stop it! Your so immature!"

Dylan eyes were wide, with fright, "It wasn't me... I'm serious... It wasn't me..." Then he became silent, leaving Racheal and Miranda yelling at him to stop joking. Dylan twisted his head and immediately took Miranda by the neck and raised her into the air. Miranda was choking, trying to get free of the grip of his hand, but it was no use.

Dylan spoke in a very deep ghostly voice to Miranda, "You don't know what life is in hell, do you? Now it's time to find out." He gripped Miranda's throut tighter until her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Racheal ran to the door, trying to open it, but the door knob broke off.

"Help!! Somebody help me! I don't want to die!!" She tried kicking the door, but it was no use, the ghost version of Dylan was walking towards her. Racheal then ran past him to the only window in the room, breaking the glass to escape. They were on the third floor, high above the ground.

"Come join your friend, into the magical world of death called hell." Dylan said. He began to run after Racheal when she jumped out of the window. You could hear deadly screams while she was on the way down. He then jumped out of the window as well. They both hit concrete floor, with blood stains on them. Today, that place is called the Death Block.

Death BlockOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora