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“How are you?”  Amber Shaw asked her stepdaughter, Nyree as they set on the set of The Midwest Vein talk show in front of a packed house.

“I am absolutely great,” Nyree Shaw-Chandler beamed. Buying the Midwest Vein had been one of the best investments she had made in life. Since Amber was at the helm it had become very successful and so she has happy to sit here with on the set.

“You look great,” the former model now turned talk show host replied.

“Thank you, Amber. I feel great as I said before. It’s been a long journey but I’m wonderful and glad to be sitting here with you today. It’s truly by God’s grace that I am sitting here. I used to take life for granted and as Ivan Marrick once stated I guess I did take it for a joke. Having money sometimes skews your perspective.”

“Nyree, you’ve said a lot in that statement so let’s go into your story. You left the country six months ago after your ex tried to kill you. For those viewing in who may not know you let me give a little of your background. You are the daughter of  the late real estate mogul, Edwin Shaw. You run the day-to-day operations of Shaw Enterprises. You are one of the most influential women in the Midwest.  What a lot of people may not know is that after being the subject of so many articles in the newspaper, The Midwest Vein and the talk show The Midwest Vein you purchased the enterprise and now it is doing well with the quality of news being reported as well as financially.”

“Yes indeed. All I can say is that despite the many obstacles I’ve encountered in life God continues to be good to me and my family. Amber, you have been a tremendous blessing to my family and while you’re my stepmother I consider you to be the sister I never had. My father was blessed to have you as his soul mate for the latter years of his life,” Nyree smiled, “but I’m here to talk about restarting and reclaiming my life after forty so I’m ready to as you said earlier delve into  it.”

“Okay, wonderful. Again thank you for this exclusive interview. So the world knows that about a year ago you and Ivan Marrick were the hottest couple in the Midwest and then about six months ago…”

“It’s fine you can say it. Ivan and I call him IV became the second man in my life to try to kill me. But can I say this when it’s not your time it doesn’t matter what the devil does to try to take you out he can’t do it,” Nyree said crossing her leg. The crowd erupted in applause as Nyree sipped  on her Organo Gold Café Supreme.

“So Ivan was the second man to try to kill you. Say a little about the first man and then tell us what happened with you and Malachi and how did Ivan get in the picture. I must say I continue to root for you and Malachi as a couple but please tell your story, Nyree, because I know it is going to bless somebody out there.”

“Malachi Chandler, yes,” Nyree smiled and pointed to him in the audience, “stand up Baby. Malachi is the love of my life and has always been there for me even when we weren’t together. I love you, Malachi,” Nyree said dabbing a tear from her eye.  Malachi stood for a brief moment and blew her a kiss. Again the audience erupted into applause.

“Malachi and I grew up together. We didn’t grow up as childhood buddies but because we met when we were in our early twenties and we married in our twenties and have weathered so many things together, I say we grew up together. My life is very public even when I don’t want it to be. So many who have followed my life in the spotlight know that after Malachi and I divorced, Colin Jordan and I began seeing each other. We were friends before he moved here from Mayport, Florida. My father brought Colin to the Midwest and they established a partnership. Colin was like a son to my dad and I take nothing away from their relationship. I loved Colin and our time that we shared. However, he couldn’t handle the fact that when Malachi and I divorced I was carrying Malachi’s child,” the crowd erupted into “oohs and ahhs.” Nyree waved her hand, “Colin and I were not intimate during my marriage to Malachi so he couldn’t trip or feel some kind of way. Colin was there when I found out I was pregnant so he knew from day one. Anyways, when my daughter became near death ill, Malachi naturally was there. Colin began to feel jealous and insecure of Malachi. When your child is on their death bed you don’t have time for bullsh… foolishness you know what I mean. If you’re with me, you’re with me and I don’t have time to reassure you of that every moment of the day.  So our relationship didn’t work but we still had to work together professionally. We were both invested in seeing Shaw Enterprises do well. At the same time Malachi and I were growing closer and closer and his career was taking off doing well. You all might remember me doing a cameo appearance in his video, “Hold You Down.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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