Chapter 1

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               “So,” my friend Wendy says as we step out of the restaurant. “Did you hear the news?”

               “What news?” I ask.
                “Jacksepticeye is in town,” she replies.
                “Oh, yeah,” I nod. “I heard. He’s here for a game release party, right?”
                “Yeah,” she replies. “I heard he’s doing a meet-up thing too.”
                “Yeah, he is,” I reply. “I wish we could go.”
                “Why can’t we?” she shrugs.
                “I don’t know,” I chuckle. “I don’t know if I’ll have time.”
                “Oh come on, Dakota,” she groans. “Let’s look into it.”
                “Fine,” I sigh. “We can look into it.”
                Both of us are huge Jacksepticeye fans, and Wendy knows how badly I’ve been wanting to meet him. He’s never visited our part of the country when he’s come to the US in the past, but recently a game designer from North Carolina had been working on a game that was very anticipated by the gaming community. There was a release party scheduled in Charlotte because of how much the game had been hyped up recently. Jacksepticeye had decided to have a fan meetup as well, since he would be in the US anyway.
                As we walk along the sidewalk, I hear a commotion around the corner. I stop walking and look at Wendy with an eyebrow raised. She looks back at me, her expression mirroring my concern. I step slowly to the edge of the alley where the noise is coming from, my back against the wall.
                “Just calm down,” A noticeably Irish voice says.
                “Don’t tell me to calm down,” another voice replies.
                The second voice sounds muffled. I look over my shoulder at Wendy and immediately I can tell she’s thinking the same thing I am. I carefully look around the corner and see what I was afraid of. At the end of the alley stands Jacksepticeye, his back against a wall. Between me and him is a man in a mask with a gun pointed at Sean.
“Wait here,” I whisper to Wendy.
I step around the corner silently. I see Sean’s face change when he sees me, and I hold a finger to my lips.
                “Hurry up!” the masked man orders.
                “Okay, okay” Sean replies, opening his wallet.
                I walk up behind the man silently, getting as close as I can without him noticing me. When I am right behind him, I step around him quickly and twist his gun out of his hand. I quickly unload it and toss it to the ground on the other side of the alley.
                “H-hey!” he cries, obviously surprised.
                “Are you okay?” I ask, glancing at Sean.
                “Yeah,” he nods slightly. “Look out!”
                I turn around quickly, just in time to dodge a punch from the masked man. I stumble back a few steps, managing to keep my balance. The man throws another punch, and this time I’m able to dodge it more gracefully. I duck to the side, grabbing his arm at the elbow and twisting it behind his back. I shove him against the wall, pushing his arm into his back. He tries to push away from the wall, but I trip his leg with my own, making him fall back into the wall.
                “Who are you?” I ask sternly.
                Before I get an answer, I feel someone grab a handful of my hair and pull me backwards. I make a small sound of pain, pulling the hand away from my hair. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sean grab the man by the shoulders and shove him backwards. I spin around, taking a few steps back. The new man is not wearing a mask; he has dirty blonde hair that looks unkept. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a switchblade, pushing the button to open it. He starts toward me, but Sean shoulders him to the side, knocking him slightly off balance. He turns to Sean and steps toward him with his knife held high. I step forward to stop him, but the masked man grabs my shoulders and shoves me against the wall.
My face hits the brick and I feel a little stream of blood coming from my eyebrow. I push hard against the wall and twist my body, managing to free myself from the masked man’s grasp. I shove him to the ground and look up to see Sean trying to avoid the man with the knife. Sean trips over a piece of trash and stumbles a bit. The blonde man steps forward with his knife. Sean moves to the side, but not fast enough. The knife slices through his shirt sleeve and blood instantly begins to soak through the fabric. I step forward quickly as Sean bumps into the wall behind him. I grab the man’s elbows and kick the back of his right knee, making him fall to his knees. I grab his wrist and twist the knife from his grasp.
I hear the masked man running up behind me, but then he stops suddenly. I spin around and see Wendy pinning him against the wall. The blonde man stands up, and I hold his knife toward him threateningly. He looks at me angrily, and I prepare to fight. He glances at the other man, who has freed himself from Wendy’s grasp.
“Come on!” the blonde man shouts. “Let’s get out of here.”
I watch them run off down the street, deciding against chasing them. I feel a hand on my shoulder and spin around, ready to fight. Sean steps back, holding his hands up, and I relax.
“Sorry,” I say. “I didn’t realize it was you.”
“That’s okay,” he replies. “I should’ve said something.”
“Are you okay?” I ask, looking at the wound on his arm.
“I think so,” he replies.
“We should leave,” I say. “Before they come back.”
“We can go to my hotel,” he nods. “It’s just a few buildings down.”
“Okay,” I reply as we start walking down the alley. “I’m Dakota, by the way, and this is Wendy.”
“I’m Sean,” he grins a little.
“We know who you are,” Wendy says.
“Oh, you’re fans?” he asks.
“Mhm,” Wendy nods.
“You too?” he asks, turning to me.
“Uh, yeah,” I reply.
“Cool,” he grins.
We walk into a large hotel, successfully avoiding the few people in the lobby. We get on the elevator and go to the third floor. Wendy and I follow Sean to his room. Luckily, there aren’t many people around to question why Sean and I are bleeding.
“Let me take a look at your arm,” I say as he closes the door behind us.
“Okay,” he nods, pulling up his sleeve.
“Wendy,” I say, looking at the wound. “Can you grab me some wet paper towels from the bathroom. And, you know what, just bring the rest of the roll too.”
“Sure,” she says, stepping into the bathroom. She returns a few moments later with a pile of folded wet paper towels in one hand and the roll in the other.
“Thanks,” I say, taking a couple of the wet ones. I gently wipe the blood away from Sean’s arm, and he winces. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he replies.
I nod and wipe the rest of the blood from the wound. It starts bleeding again, but not as badly as before. I press the paper towels against his arm to stop the bleeding.
“Hold it like this for a second,” I instruct, gently lifting his elbow so he’s holding his arm out in a sort of wing shape.
“Alright,” he nods.
I unroll some dry paper towels and wrap them around his arm like bandages. I dab a wet one on the end to make it stick and then toss the dirty ones in the trash can. I glance over it for a second, before stepping back.
“There ya go,” I say.
“Thank you,” he replies with a grateful smile. “Now your turn.”
“What?” I ask.
“You’re bleeding too,” he says.
“Oh, right,” I say. “It’s fine. It’s not that big of a deal. I can take care of it.”
“Let me just clean it up for you,” he says.
“I…” I sigh a little. “Okay.”
He takes a wet paper towel from Wendy and folds it. I close my eyes as he reaches toward my face, forcing myself not to pull away from him. He gently wipes the blood away from my eyebrow and temple. He pulls his hand away and I open my eyes slowly.
“There,” he nods, tossing the paper towel in the trash.
“Thanks,” I say quietly. “Well, we should get going.”
“Wait,” Sean replies. “Can I…get your number first.”
“Uh, yeah,” I reply, shocked. “Sure.”
“Cool,” he grins, taking his phone from his pocket.
He hands it to me, and I add myself to his contacts. I hand his phone back to him and he smiles warmly at me. I smile back, feeling a little heat rise to my cheeks.
“Thanks,” he grins.
“No problem,” I reply quietly.
“I’ll text you later,” Sean says as Wendy and I turn to leave.
“Okay,” I smile.
We step out the door and I take a deep breath to compose myself. Wendy waits until we get to the elevator to squeal.
“Oh my gosh!” she cries. “Can you believe that?”
“No,” I shake my head.
“That was Jack-freakin-septiceye!” she exclaims.
“I know,” I chuckle.
“We were just talking about him,” Wendy says breathlessly. “We were just talking about going to his show, and then poof! There he is. We must’ve done something to get some good karma.”
“Oh come on,” I laugh, shaking my head.
“I’m serious!” Wendy insists. “Especially you! You went out there, fought like a badass, and won his heart.”
“You’re crazy,” I reply.
“You did!” she argues. “I mean come on, he asked for your number.
“That doesn’t mean anything,” I say.
“It so does!” Wendy replies.
“If you say so,” I chuckle. “Let’s just go home. I’m tired.”

A/N: it's finally back! I'm totally remaking this story from what it originally was, so bear with me y'all. I'm also working on a couple of other fanfics, so be on the lookout for those! I'm also in school right now, so I dont always have time to work on these. That's all the excuses I have lol. More coming soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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