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"Deep down you truly hate Jun... don't you?"

A light gasp escaped Jun's lips as he heard those words. However despite that, he couldn't really blame Tatsuya - stealing people's 'Ideal Energy' and turning them into Shadows isn't a hero thing at all.

His eyes looked over at Tatsuya, who seemed to be contemplating his response.

"Go ahead Tatsuya, tell your Shadow the truth," Jun spoke, giving the brown haired teen in front of him a nervous smile. "Even if you try to lie your Shadow knows what's the real answer."

Tatsuya nodded then. And he put his hands in his pockets as he moved forward towards his other self. It was like Jun was looking in a mirror, and a blush spread across his cheeks as his eyes trailed over Shadow Tatsuya's face.

It was as handsome as the real Tatsuya.

"Actually... I do hate him." Tatsuya replied, taking out the lighter that Jun gave him years ago and throwing it to the ground.

His Shadow gave him an evil smile. "I knew it! You hear that? He really does hate you!" The Shadow cackled, leaving Jun to place a clenched hand to his chest.

Even though he told Tatsuya that it was okay if he hated him, it still hurt his heart to hear it from the one who he had a crush on since they were children.

Jun could feel three sets of eyes on him as he felt to his knees. Fresh tears kissed his cheeks as he tries to furiously wipe them away. "D-Don't worry guys..." He muttered, waving Lisa, Eikichi and Maya off. "I'll be alright."

He got back up on his feet, a broken smile on his face as the battle between them and Tatsuya's Shadow begun.

Jun readied his fists, trying to match Shadow Tatsuya's glare.

"I can sense it... You and your other you. I'm your shadow... Though visible, I cannot be dismissed. However..." Shadow Tatsuya smiled, his body mirroring his other self.

An exact opposite of Apollo appeared. "I can. The sun is irreplaceable because it is singular... I shall incinerate you with my dark flame, and make the power of light mine!"

The real Apollo appeared afterwards. "True, it is the destiny of a shadow to vanish into darkness. The time has come for my bright flame to bring about a true dawn!"

Shadow Tatsuya chuckled darkly, bright flames appearing in Reverse Apollo's hand. They burned brightly, making Jun think of the determined fire in his crush's heart. As quickly as they burned, the fire was whisked away.

"Gigantic Fist!"

Reverse Apollo moved towards Jun with such speed, making him stumble back as he avoided the attack. Shadow Tatsuya grinned at him, continuing to send Reverse Apollo after him with a flurry of attacks.

Maya aimed her guns at the enemy. "Eikichi, help me cover Jun! Lisa, help Tatsuya fight his Shadow!" She yells, moving forward with Eikichi.

Jun's brown eyes looked in their direction. "N-No! Stay away from me!"

Shadow Tatsuya smirked, the tip of his sword meeting the ground below and his other hand in his pocket. "Dark Nova Kaiser!" He shouts, the world turning gray around his opponents.

His eyes widened in fear, his body unable to move as burning hot flames engulfed his body whole. He was forced to surpress his screams, the flames burning themselves out and time starting once again.

Pain fluttered in his body, his legs wobbling as he felt to his knees in front of Tatsuya's Shadow. His lips painted themselves into a sweet smile as Jun's brown eyes connected with Tatsuya's. "I'm sorry... for making you hate me..."

The world turned black around him as his eyes closed, and his body fell to the ground. The yellow flower that was placed in Jun's pocket was charred and wilted, and Tatsuya immediately clashed with his other self.

Maya and the others ran to Jun's side, leaving Tatsuya to face himself - not that it mattered to him.

"Just so you know," Tatsuya started, his eyes glaring at his Shadow. "I lied to you. I don't hate Jun."

Shadow Tatsuya laughed, taking a step back to swing at Tatsuya; who parried with his own sword swing. "We both know that's a lie!"

"Shut up!" Tatsuya growled, knocking his Shadow's sword out of his grip. Filled with fury, Tatsuya found himself repeatedly striking his Shadow; only stopping when his other self was down on his knees.

The Shadow smiled lightly. "I'm impressed, but I should of known better I am your other self after all."

The two merged together, filling Tatsuya with a guilt feeling as he stared down at Jun's body. His now light blue clothes were smudged with gray and black, and several bruises dotted his skin.

Maya was there to comfort him just as the tears dotted his eyes.

"Jun..." His whispered, his hand cupping Jun's cheek softly. "I'm so sorry."

Lisa patted Tatsuya's shoulder. "Don't beat yourself over this too much Chinyan! I'm sure Jun will forgive you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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