Chapter One

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"I think Ba Sing Se would be good for both of us." My uncle says softly as we walk through the thick forest. "Give us a place to settle down and make a new life. It'll be better for us."

"I don't want to. I will find the Avatar and I will return home." I growl, my fists clenching at my sides, and I speed up a few paces.

"Nephew, why don't you give Ba Sing Se a chance?" He prods behind me. Anger flares up in my blood, causing my entire body to tense up.

"I will go home!" I shout. "I will regain my honor!"

"Prince Zuko--" I cut him off there and storm off ahead, seething to myself.

"Just leave me alone."

I sigh as we board the ferry to the city, keeping my head and eyes down. Uncle takes a seat near the back, so I sit a foot or two to the right. The boat quickly fills up and takes off across the sea. After a glance around, I notice that the majority, over ninety percent, of the passengers are refugees. I scoff to myself, knowing that we fit in well. Without saying a word to my uncle, I get up and walk to the railing.
Exhaling softly, I resting my arms on the barrier and my chin in my palm. I stand there for awhile, watching the sun set behind the silhouette of Ba Sing Se and the sky grow dark swiftly. Suddenly, I feel as if somebody is watching me and I take a quick peek over my shoulder. A tall boy about my age flashes me a small smile before silently joining my side.

"Hey," He places his hands on the top rail and looks out over the water. "We'll be there in probably about an hour and a half." He murmurs softly, then turns to me. "What do you think?"

"Yeah..." I agree, but don't avert my eyes from the ocean.

"I'm Jet." He sticks out his left hand and beams when I finally look at him.

"Li." I shake his hand and the smile widens.

"So, Li, why're headed to Ba Sing Se?" He asks, his fingers lingering on mine far more than necessary as the handshake breaks off.

"My uncle wanted to." I shrug uncomfortably as he shuffles closer to me.

"I see." He rubs his chin as he eyes me curiously, causing me to blush slightly and look away. "You're probably about sixteen or seventeen, huh?"

"I'm sixteen." I confirm lowly.

"Me, too." With a lopsided grin, Jet knocks his elbows into mine. I don't answer, biting my bottom lip, and staring at my hands. At least until his larger, tan one sneaks up beside mine. A strange noise rumbles in my throat when his pinky-finger overlaps my own and Jet chuckles.

"Hey!" I yank my hand back and glare at him, crossing my arms.

"You're cute." He side-steps behind me and places his hands on my waist, his light breath right near my ear. "I'll be seeing you later, Li." I watch, my mouth agape, as he saunters off into the crowd. Shaking my head, I go to find my uncle.

A/N: I'm not a good writer and this is my first story I've actually posted. So...enjoy :/ Maybe?

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