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It was an unusually quiet Saturday morning for Remus Lupin. James had detention with Professor McGonagall, Peter was still at Breakfast, and he assumed Sirius (who was also supposed to be at detention) was still asleep. He was taking advantage of the quiet and sunny day by sitting under a tree and finishing the reading for arithmancy early. It was sunny but a bit chilly, so he was one of the only people outside, the others being a few couples getting some "alone time". 

Remus didn't mind though, he rather liked bundling up in sweaters and sitting outside when it was cold enough to nip at your nose, but still too warm for a coat. He'd brought some hot cider from the Great Hall and was rather enjoying himself.


One of his best friends, Sirius Black, roughly plopped himself down beside Remus, causing his cup to shake and a few drops of cider to fall onto his book.

"Sirius," Remus glared lightly at his friend as he quickly waved his wand and the stain disappeared. "What is it? You're supposed to be in detention."

"I was on my way, honest!" 

"Sure," Remus set his cup down a safe distance away and turned fully to face the slightly sweaty, greatly disheveled boy next to him. "Honestly, Padfoot, at this rate you're still going to be serving detention when we're ninety"

Sirius began gesturing wildly with his hands, "Look Moony, I haven't got time to explain. Do you trust me?"

"Not in the slightest."

"Well, pretend you do for a few minutes. Wilson's after me again."

Remus groaned dramatically out of pure instinct. Madeline Wilson. A Ravenclaw fifth year who had been completely infatuated with Sirius ever since he returned her book that she had left in the library. She was a sweet girl, but it was clearly a puppy crush that would be over in a week and Sirius was fed up with it. They all were, honestly. 

"What do you need?" Remus asked, understanding that this was an emergency, which overruled how much Sirius had annoyed him.

Sirius broke into a wide grin and lightly punched him on the shoulder, "Atta boy, Moony. Just follow my lead."

No sooner had Sirius settled himself beside Remus and they'd both made themselves look considerably less frumpled than a bright, bubbly girl with blonde plaits bounced up to them with a radiant smile. 

"Hi, Sirius," She said, feigning shyness.

Sirius smiled back at her, "Oh, hi Madeline. How are you?"

Remus shot his friend an odd look but went back to his book, hoping Madeline hadn't seen him.

"Great! I was just wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmede with me next week," She said sweetly, twirling a stray piece of hair around her finger. 

Sirius made himself blush (Remus had long since been able to tell when his friend was truly embarrassed.) and glanced at Remus. 

"Oh. I'm really sorry, Madeline," He wrapped his arm around his friend's shoulder. "But Remus and I already made plans for next weekend."

Unfortunately, Remus had chosen that exact moment to take a sip of his lukewarm cider and had to do his best not to choke while Madeline looked like a fish out of water.

"Oh! You and- You're- I'm so sorry!" She managed to stutter out before practically running away.

Once she was gone, Sirius removed his arm from Remus's back and gave him a good thump between his shoulder blades, "Thanks, Moony! I won't be hearing from her anymore!"

Remus coughed one last time and glared at Sirius, "You won't be hearing from any other girls either. Was that really the only thing you could come up with?"

"On the fly, yes," Sirius looked way too proud of himself for Remus's liking. "I think it was rather clever, actually."

"Everyone's going to have heard by lunch, you know that right?"

"Moony, you wound me!" Sirius put his hand over his heart in mock hurt. "You're not ashamed of me are you?"

"Every day of my life."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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