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Rousseau "Rose" Aitken: She seems to be the epitome of average. Average looks, average eyes, average skin. She goes to an average school in an average neighbourhood, gets average grades and has befriended average people. She appears fine on the outside, but deep down she knows the idyllic Floridian suburbia she's living in will lead to her death. She is not average. She has electric thoughts and a progressive mind. But her life is constraining her. Her only real friend is a girl named Aina, a girl who lives the life that Rose wants. When she meets Marc, the stereotypical bad boy figure, she plants an idea in her brain, and let's it germinate: running away. Escaping this toxic community and going places. So one night, she runs away. And so does he. And so does Aina. And they become free. They are no longer living dead.
Hey guys! It's me! NOAH! I'm gonna be writing this book solo, no Cara. Sorry. I'm really excited for this book. It's not going to be humor, like Marina vs The Basics, but it'll be good. I promise. I have lots of ideas for this book and I can't wait to go on this adventure with you guys. And don't fret! Marina vs The Basics will still be updating regularly. It's just that cara might be writing a little bit more than me. Oh, and this book is inspired by the Marina and the Diamonds song "Living Dead." That was so out of place but whatever. //N

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