Chapter 1

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Gary's alarm rang. The loud and almost deafening buzz went off for about a half hour. The boy was a heavy sleeper, so much so that it took just about anything and everything to get him up and out of bed each morning.

After some time the blonde smashed the snooze button before rubbing his tired eyes, still adjusting to the bright light that was flooding through his window. After he glanced at the clock he jolted out of bed. Crap! Gary was going to be late! He had at least three minutes to get up and out the door. With that in mind, the boy slipped on the clothes he wore the day before, grabbed his bag, ran into the kitchen to take his meds and then bolted out the door. His shoes weren't even tied, but he decided he would just fix them as soon as he got on the bus.

The bus was already stationed at the stop sign, about to close its doors. The blonde rushed over just in time, earning a judgemental look from the bus driver. Gary gave an apologetic smile before he made his way down the isle to the back of the bus and sat down in his usual seat. It was a nice quiet ride. He leaned against the window and watched all the houses and cars pass by.

Eventually, the bus arrived to the school and all the students exited. Gary entered the school and searched for his friend; when he spotted her he rushed over.

"Hey, Quinn!" the boy greeted her. She smiled when she heard the familiar voice and turned to him.
"Oh! Hey, Gary!" she responded enthusiastically and pulled him into a hug. "Hey did you hear about that new student we're having in our class later? I think he should show up today."

"Oh yeah, that one kid? I don't think I've seen him yet, but I'll keep an eye out. Gotta get to him before he becomes friends with the wrong people, y'know?" Gary said as he gave the hall a quick scan for said student.

They talked about how their nights went and upcoming assignments and all that jazz before the bell rang.

"I'll see you in second period!" Quinn said to Gary with a wave as she headed to her class.
Gary went to his locker to grab a few things, when suddenly he noticed he only had about a minute till class started. Crap! He was going to be late again!
"Dang it, Goodspeed, you're an idiot!" he yelled at himself under his breath before shutting his locker and rushing through the near empty hall to get to his class. Then, to his surprise he ended up colliding with another student in the hall, his papers and books flying out of his hands and onto the ground as well as his whole body.

"Oh my g- I'm so sorry! Do you want me to help you with your stuff?" the student spoke and held a hand out to the blonde. It was a voice very unfamiliar to Gary but somewhat comforting nonetheless. He reached for the... "was that a paw?" Gary thought to himself. He reached for the paw in front of him and pulled himself back up, brushing himself off before getting a better look at who he had ran into. Oh, how ironic. It just so happened that the boy he and his friend were just talking about before was standing right in front of him. And he was cute too...
Gary wasn't sure he'd seen such a fine character before. He was like some kind of cat-person. Dark teal fur with a Stark white stripe down his face. This guy was the stuff legends were made of.
Gary, caught up in his thoughts, jumped at the sound of the second bell ringing. Shoot. the two of them were both late to their first class.

"Shit, now we're both late! I'm sorry I ran into you, man. I hope you can forgive me..." the blonde began to pick up his papers off of the ground and the other student joined him.

"Nah, it's totally cool. I'm actually kind of glad, I was hoping someone could help me with my schedule. I'm new here so I'm not really sure where all the classes are." The feline handed Gary the rest of his papers then grabbed his folded schedule out of his back pocket.

"Sure, man! I'd love to help! Let's see your schedule here." Gary took the schedule from the other student and looked it over and his face lit up.

"Oh, sweet! We have four classes together! That is so freaking tight, yo!" Gary smiled. He handed the paper back to him and began to lead the way to their first class, mentally preparing an excuse for he and his companion's tardiness.

Halfway to their class, he realized he hadn't even properly introduced himself to the new student.
"I'm Gary by the way. Gary Goodspeed." he flashed a wide smile.

"Name's Avocato."

"Never heard that name before. Hey, what are you supposed to be? I mean, are you, like, some cat thing? No offense at all!"

"Ventrexian, actually. And, uh, it's cool. I often get called a cat by your kind."

Gary nodded with a chuckle.

He expected to be scolded by his teacher for being late, but he gave a sigh of relief when he was let off with just a warning. Lucky for him, there was an empty seat next to his own. He went to go sit down and pulled out the chair next to him for his friend.

"Here, you can sit next to me."

Avocato thanked him and sat down.

Throughout the whole first period it had been difficult for Gary to focus. Avocato was occupying his thoughts for most of the class. He didn't even realize he had been daydreaming about the handsome feline he was somehow able to call his friend.

Gary ended up having to show Avocato around the school, where his classes would be, where the lunchroom is, and other places. Avocato was really thankful to have someone like Gary to be his new friend at this big school.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this so far! this is my first fanfic so please bare with me and my shitty writing skills. I'm really just rolling with this and there's not really a fixed ending in sight. Also I had a friend of mine help me edit this chapter so kudos to Marli! I have bad writer's block so don't expect another chapter for a while sorry... Anyways byebye!! ~Bandit

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