The Babysiting job

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One Saturday morning a girl named Alexa woke up and she called her best friend Molly. "Hi Molly" said Alexa
"Good morning Alexa" replied Molly
"Are you excited to go see the movie we have been waiting forever to see by ourselves?"asked Alexa "yes I am really excited but my mom said that if we wanted to go alone we had to do something to prove that we can do it first."replied Molly " but what can we possibly do to prove ourselves" Asked Alexa " I don't know maybe we could do something that we can get money for."explaned Molly " you know what that just gave me an idea what if we babysit someone to get money and to show that if we can take care of someone else we can take care of our selves." Said Alexa "OMG Alexa that is a wonderful idea" exclaimed Molly.
So Alexa and Molly went to tell there mom's there wonderful idea and then their mom's started to call around and finally got them a babysitting job.
"Alexa I am so excited to babysit for  Miss Janice all I know is that she has a few kids but I do not know what ages do you?" Asked Molly " No Molly I actually do not what ages they are I know the same amount as you so I guess we will have to wait to find out"
Explained Alexa.
So Molly and Alexa got ready for there babysitting job and because they did not know what ages they packed a bag that had a bunch of  activities in it and then they were on there way to Miss Janices house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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