marriage. / jeromeasf one-shot

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a/n: part two?

the girl character has no name bc i didn't want to give her a name but i didn't want to say (f/n)

"tick, tock. tick, tock"

The clock's ticks rang through the dining room, the only noise I could hear.

Where was Jerome?

I stared down at the food I prepared. My back was as straight as a plank of wood, hands intertwined in my lap.

The food was far from steaming warm now. The cake I baked for us two looked stale, the mashed potatoes forming a deflating lump.

It was 2:00 a.m. and Jerome still wasn't home.

I sighed, getting up and throwing my food away. What a waste I thought. I tried hard making this dinner... Wanted to make something special.

Jerome's marriage was obviously deflating, but recently I talked to him about his distance from me, and we started over again. We went on dates, cuddled, everything we did from our high school years together. It was wonderful. Why isn't he here?

I cleaned the table, having a piece of cake to check if it was still good. My face scrunched up in displeasure, and sadly threw away the cake too. Tears formed in my eyes as I didn't even close the cabinet with the trash can inside.

I walked up the stairs. The bathroom light flickered on as I walked to the sink, cleansing my face. I stared at myself in the mirror, water dripping from my chin. My tears had fallen, mixing with the water. I looked at my left hand, realizing I left my marriage ring on the table downstairs.

Halfway down the stairs, I saw a figure leaning over the trash. Jerome.

His built shoulders were shaking, his soft hands covering his face. Each sob covered the noise of the clock, desperate gasps of breath in between.

"Jerome." He froze, slowly turning around as I spoke softly with caring eyes. "What did you do?"

His brown eyes met mine, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Jerome," I repeated, this time with a stronger voice. I was scared. "What did you do?"

"I-I slept with someone, okay? I slept with someone after going to a bar! We went to her house and then she shoved me out after. She reminded me so much of you, okay!" He sobbed, yelling.

Everything started to crash down.

"Jer-rome. S-Stop scaring me, this isn't funny-," I started.

"I'm not joking," Jerome whispered, walking up to me and grabbing my face. He was one stair below me, his height evening with mine for once. His brown orbs stared into my dilated pupils. "Sweetheart?"

I stared into the abyss, everything was gone already. We can't go back to that perfect life we had before. It wasn't perfect, actually, it was far from perfect. But right now, it looked like heaven.

This wasn't worth it, I , trusted Jerome every time he said that but, it wasn't worth it.

"I'll bring the divorce papers tomorrow."

"What?" Jerome shouted, his eyes widening. "No, no! This can't- We were perfect- You can't- We can't end this!"

He grabbed onto my face harder, pulling his forehead to mine. "We can't end this"

I stared back at him, "You slept with another woman." Anger started to flow in his veins, I could tell.

He took a step back, falling onto the lower steps. "I know what I did." His voice was stronger now, enough to scare me. This happened before in another fight, and it never worked out with our stubborn personalities.

"Jerome calm down," I said plainly. "How am I suppo-"

"I know what I did!" Jerome interrupted, shouting at me.

"Well you're not the only one who's hurting, you know!" I screamed back.

Jerome fell silent, his features softening for a second. But it left as fast as it came.

"You weren't the one who made dinner. You weren't the one worrying until freaking 2:00 a.m... you weren't the one who actually cared about our relationship," I whispered. "So don't you dare think you're the only one who's hurting!"

Jerome seethed, "We-"

"Stop pinning me as the bad guy!" I screamed.

It all happened in a flash. A throbbing pain was in my back, a throbbing pain in my head, too. I clutched my head with one hand, slowly looking up at him. A look of rage was shot at me, until he suddenly crouched down, eyes wide.

He reached out to the shaking hand on my head, and I screeched, flinching and backing away as much as I could.

"Oh no..." Jerome started to himself. "My own wife's scared of me. Why did I have to hit her?"

He stared at the ceiling, tears falling. He then looked at me, and I realized how bad he looked. His glistening eyes were gone, replaced wit half-closed dead eyes. His smile was long gone, replaced with thin, chapped lips.

"I'm sorry," Jerome whispered to me. "Tell the police, I deserve to go to jail."

"Jerome," I sighed. I stood up slowly, the pain in my back aching a bit more. Walking down the stairs, Jerome stared up at me, dead eyes widening oh-so slowly. "I'm not going to rat you out for wife abuse. I'm not saying that I don't hate you for what you just did, and that I don't think you're a coward for hitting a woman, but it was my fault too. Okay?"

"It wasn't your faul-"

"Okay?" I pressured.

Jerome swallowed, looking down at his feet like a little child. "Okay."

"I'll get my stuff tomorrow with the papers," I said. "My friend'll help me."

Jerome whimpered, getting up. He walked to me, his height now talking part. He stared down at me as I stared up, "May I kiss you one last time?" His voice was scratchy.

I let out a breath, "Okay."

We stared at each other as he cupped my face, tilting his head slowly and leaning in. We closed our eyes together, and I suddenly felt as if we were at the park in San Francisco where we first kissed.

I pulled away, looking at my feet. I glanced up at Jerome for a few seconds, and I met his teary gaze. Turning around, I started silently walking to the door. I slipped on my boots, touching the cool metal handle. Halfway out the door Jerome called to me. I turned around, tears threatening to fall out.

"Goodbye," Jerome stared at me.

My breath hitched, and I tried absorbing everything I could of him; his handsome features, his caring personality, his strong and brave glare. Everything that made me fall in love with him.

How did this end up so badly? How could our perfect relationship get ruined by a single person, a complete stranger?

My breath hitched in my throat, walking outside;


a/n: I do not support any type of abuse except for food abuse. Please keep that in mind. Abusing someone is not good. Not good at all. (and dat TFIOS reference tho)

- j.g x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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