The Ghost King

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Nico looked around the room, Jason's footsteps  were echoing behind him as they both stood ?in the deserted room waiting for him..... There was a sudden movement, Jason maybe really good at fighting but Nico felt the presence first, after  all he had been to the Underworld and back. Nico looked around, anything to fight......

Nico di Angelo had black shaggy hair and dark black eyes that were so powerful that you couldn't lie looking into them. He was only almost fifteen yet he looked much more mature, as though he had seen everything in the world.  Nico was the king of person who was actually handsome, if Nico had a smile on his face he would look like that adorable kid whom nobody couldn't help falling for.He had a black jacket and jeans on, he could hide anywhere and people would never know that he was there until he decided to show himself. He lived in the shadows. He  looked alert and tense, ready for anything in the world, it was written on his face that he was brave.

A gust of wind slammed into him, moving him away from Jason.

"Nico!" he heard Jason's voice but Nico felt another presence in the room, a power he could never win. And then all of a sudden his brain went into a movie mode, seeing the scenes he tried hardest to avoid. Pain was rushing into him rapidly.

"No!" he screamed. He was shaking too bad. Why? Why? Why was this love God making him feel so weak? Nico couldn't even raise his face to look Cupid straight in the face. No, he wasn't weak, he kept telling himself but Cupid's power was too much. He wasn't weak. He wasn't afraid. He had come back from Tartarus. There was nothing he could be afraid of. Nothing!

"Leave him alone!" he heard Jason's voice as though from a very long distance.  It took all hiss strength to look up at him.

Jason stood there, his blonde hair swept into his electric blue eyes, determined, the little scar on his lip twitching , as he glared at Cupid.

Nico forced himself to look at the god himself. And Cupid stood there in all his glory, so effortlessly. His appearance was anything but perfect, he was the epitome of perfection, there was nothing else to be said about him.

Cupid had long pure white wings folded behind his back, he was wearing a simple white dress but he looked perfect. His handsome features looked angry, cruel. Oh his back was slung arrows, not  the small arrows that we see the baby Cupid holding on pictures but real killer arrows, a strike from one of them could kill anybody easily. Yes, love could kill.

 Bit why? Why did Cupid look so beautiful? Why did he look like Thanatos or Death? The similarity was too much the same. Love and death, Nico laughed lightly under his breath, twins of course, the invisible band around his chest was strengthening, slowly squeezing the air out of him.

Nico was no new person to pain, he wasn't afraid of deat5h or the dark, but there was something in this god's presence that was more powerful than anything he had ever felt. But Nico was called the ghost king, he was the ambassador of Pluto, then why did Cupid's presence scare him so much?

"Tell me the truth!" another gust of wind slammed Nico into the wall. It wasn't the pain that hurt Nico but those images in his mind that swirled around him like a sand dune, all his wishes, all his broken dreams.

"AAH!" he roared with all his might. He saw Jason's pale face as skeleton warriors erupted all around Nico.

"S you are going to hide behind the dead again?" Cupid asked.

 Nico's knees hit the ground. He could feel Cupid's anger, no, power.

"Nico, just tell him what he wants to know" Jason shouted. Nico looked at Jason and at that  moment he didn't know what to feel, Jason was his cousin, yet Nico had never tried getting too close to him. Still here was Jason, ready to lose anything and everything to just release Nico from his pain.

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