Prologue - And Death Knocked At The Front Door

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"I said I'm coming!"

Mark throws the brush on the bed, checking his hair one last time before sprinting down the stairs. 

It is not that often that people visit him, except maybe for the times Jeno and Jisung need a place to hide instead of going to school; and it is surely not that often that unexpected visitors decide to start ringing his doorbell for 3 minutes straight. 

The boy stomps his feet on the ground as he marches to the front door, trying to make as much noise as possible, just to let it be clear that he is not happy with whoever this visitor might be's manners.

"Fine! I'm here! Just stop ringing the goddam... huh?"


Before he can even try to finish his sentence, a tall, intimidating figure covered by a black robe steps inside his apartment, engulfing him in what feels like the tightest hug he has ever received. 

"Excuse me?" He tries to shake the ominous stranger off, with little to no result. Their grip is far too strong, almost unhumanly so. 

"How have you been? How was your week? I've missed you! You will not believe what happened the other day with Jaemin!" Finally, the visitor lets him go, only to grab his shoulders right after.

And that is when Mark gets to finally see their face; or better, the lack thereof.

Under the thick, black hood, the only thing Mark can see is some sort of shiny white mask - at least, that's what he hopes to be a mask- resembling a skull. 

"Uh... Who are you? How do you know me?"

The creature stalls for a second, before letting out what seems to be a nervous laughter while scratching its neck.

"Oh right, right. Sorry, I got too excited. I forgot that you can't remember me. Uhm... Well, I'm your best friend!"

"Ah?" Upon hearing those words, Mark can't help but cock his head to the side, furrowing his eyebrows. "No you're not? Please get out of my house."

The hooded figure grunts, folding its arms in front of its chest. "I'm telling you! We're buddies! Besties! Stop being a smartass and believe me! We've gone through this so many times I'm surprised you still can't recall."

"I would never befriend someone that says besties."

"Alright. You know what Mark? That hurt. Really not cool of you. Not one bit. I'm starting to rethink coming here." 

Truth be told, Mark should be scared. And if not that, he should at least be pissed. In the process of calling the police, even. But he's none of those things. The reason why he still hasn't closed his door right in the face of this odd stranger is that something deep down is telling him this... this being, for lack of a better word, is not a stranger.

Of course, he has no memory of them. He has absolutely no idea who they are, and he is most sure that they have never met prior to this moment. However, he just can't ignore the fact that despite this weirdo's attitude, he feels strangely calm. Almost as if he's used to their behaviour. 

And even if that wasn't the case, even if his guts were to be blatantly lying to him, he can't deny the fact that the sudden exchange is a lot more entertaining than the drama he was watching up until 10 minutes ago. 

So maybe, it really isn't that bad.

"Sure, whatever you say. Now please leave me alone. Also, why are you wearing a mask? If you're trying to scam me at least try to be less suspicious."

"Huh? What mask...?"

"The skull mask?"

"Oh! It's not a mask."

"Oh, alright.... Wait. Not a mask?"

The figure nods briefly, before finally pulling back the hood, revealing a perfectly smooth, pearl white skull. "It's my face, dummy!"

And that, tha's the moment Mark's instincts kick in. Screw his guts and screw how entertaining the stranger might be. This is far too much for him to handle. 

Without a second thought, he turns around, ready to sprint towards the back door.

That is, until the visitor grabs him from the neck of his hoodie.

"Oh come on! Running away? You hurt me more and more today."

"Let me go! Creep! Pervert! Criminal! You're weird! Let go!"

The skeleton lifts him from the ground, forcing him to stop trying to run away. "Now don't you think you're being a bit too harsh? Fine, I'll admit it. I should've followed the usual routine. Sorry for scaring you. Mea culpa, you know?"


Mark hears a chuckle behind him, before being suddenly released. 

"Okay, please don't run away. Turn around. I've changed form. This is your favorite one, isn't it? I also quite like it."

Reluctant, Mark slowly glances behind his back, ready to find the skeleton looming over him. But instead, all that he sees is a boy around his age, hair ruffled and eyes sparkly, wearing a leather jacket looking far too intimidating compared to his overall cute appearance.

And the familiar, gut feeling comes crashing back.

"I don't..."

The boy flashes him a smile, holding out his free hand, while the other one is busy holding a black scyhte. "Sorry for creeping you out just now, but i thought you would finally recognize me. Guess hoping can only take you so far, huh?"

Mark stares at the hand stretched in front of him, unable to move. "Who...?"

Without hesitation, the strangers closes the distance between them, squeezing Mark's hand into his own. 

"Hello, I'm Death, but you know me as Donghyuck. I visit you every monday and force you to forget me before i leave. You know, just so i don't get into any trouble with the higher ups. And we're best friends. So... can I come in now, Mark?"

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