Chapter 1:Start of a dictatorship

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On the year,2034 a revolutionary named Raphael Valdez want to start a dictatorship and rule the philippine archapellago on a iron fist but,with a clean purpose to serve his country men and avenge,ferdinand marcos,When he cam to power as the first Peoples Republic Dictator,as his first rule to withdraw to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and created 3 powerplants on the City of Olongapo on luzon,a province on Cebu on Visayas,and on Mindanao on the city of Davao since its the safest cities of the peoples republic the filipinos was relieve as the same time scared,they are relieve because of the cheap energy but scared that it will explode,but fear not it will not because it was designed by top south korean geniuses,

Secondly the construct of nuclear weapons specially I.C.B.M to noone can destroy his regime but, he ensure that hes people wont starve to death,as that giving farmers to plant rice and other products and build,more infrustructures he called the 10 year increase,as philippines being 20th highest economies GDP behind Singapore,

This will the end but as a new new goverment arise theres tentions on the north bruneo island also known as sabah between Malaysia And The Philippines as PH ready its army to engadge and ready its 200,000 men to invade and its 11,238 tanks
With the Malaysian army ready with 187190 men and with 4,589 tanks on ground defence

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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