chapter 1 : A shooting star

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After clem get bit by sam she walk in the wood alone than she saw a shooting star
Clem: wow! A shooting star. I wish lee would love to see this
Then that shooting star ran towrd clem she ran
After that she look
Clem: maybe not a shooting star
Then the pod open reivew a green watch
Clem: a watch? What're watch doing out here
Clem tried to grab the watch but the watch jump catch in clem left arm she shock
Clem: what?! Get it off!Get it off
She tried to remove but the watch didn't coming off then she notie some button
Clem: maybe this is how you take this off
Shen press the button the then she look shock to see the face instead up and dimond shape it show someone on fire
Clem: I wonder...
Clem slam her fingers down the watch
Then she see a hand and her body begin to red and she see her self is on fire
Clem(heatblash): AAAAAAAA
Clem: I'm fire...wait I on fire but I okay then she noit a walker near her
Clem then use her hand blash the fire out her hand towrd the walker the walker head is gone
Clem: wow I didn't know I can do that!
Clem then see 3 more walker show off she then use her blash all 3 walker but make all the tree on fire
Clem: Oh no I have to get out of here
Clem ran out of the fire
Clem: why didn't I become human again
Then she hear somthing go
A red light appreance
Clem then look herself she look human again
She see the watch still on her injure arm but the watch show red she put the buttion again nothing happed
She counting walking then she see a cabin in front of her
Then someone yell
5 people one have rife and is one have a arrow two other people look like husband and wife
???: drop your weapan
Clem: I don't have any weapan
???: Are you got bitten ??
Clem: no but I got bit by a dog
???: a dog??
???: I don't see a dog around here
???: Do you working for carver??
Clem: who's carver?
Clem then go near 5 people near the cabin
???: what your name??
Clem: my name's clemantine
Luke: Hello clemantine. My name's luke and this pete,alivin, nick and rebeced, carlo
Peter: what happed to your arm??
Clem: I got bit by a dog
Nick: I don't buy it
Carlo: let me see your arm
Luke: don't worry he's a doctor
Clem show carlo the arm
Alivin: dam! That must be hurt
Time skip( the group put clemantine in the shelf wait unti morning)
Clem then look the watch see is green again
Clem: yes! Finally work again
Clem put the buttion again she swtich the watch she see there are ten alien

To be counitng.....

End chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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