Chapter 1: Meeting~!

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Ash was walking through the forest, when he heard a small cry for help. Following the cry, he found a small cold, cat thing, shivering.

Picking it up, ash quickly put the thing inside his jacket to help it get warm.

He then made his way back to were he lived and sat the thing inside, quickly he grabbed a nice warm bowl of milk and a heat pack for the creature to lay on. the thing so lapped up the milk and layed down on the mat....very drowsy.....

"amber...." the thing wimmpered

" is amber you sister...." ash asked

' y-yes...." the creature said

" what's your name?" ash asked

" mewtwo...." mewtwo mumbled

" well until we can find your sister.....why don't you stay here....? my name's ash...." ash said

" o-ok...." mewtwo mumbled 

" MR.MIME~!" mr. mime said

" mimey calm down...." ash said

" mime...." mr. mime said

" pikak! PIKA!" pikachu said anger as well

" both of you guys calm down he needs sleep..."ash said shushing mewtwo clung to ash and began to purr like a kitten.....

ash soon feel asleep as did mewtwo.....

time skip 2 years.....

" Bye mewtwo~! BYE PIKACHU~! Bye mr. mime~! Be back soon~! and behave yourselves.....~! I'm off to school~!" ash said since his mom had went to work already....

"Bye~!" mewtwo said

as soon as ash left....mewtwo went to the door

" Mr.mime~!" mr. mime said

" cute..." mewtwo said whacking mr. mime away from the door....

" well better be off to start making a new plan to take over the world...." mewtwo said

" pika~!" pikachu said

" mr.mime.....~!" mr. mime said as both of them ran after mewtwo.....

Watashi  no Neko wa akudseu~!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ