Start of Twilight High

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It was a quite and early late september morning. The sun crept into Chase's room and the light hit his face. He slowly got up and opened his green eyes only to close them again , rubing the sleep from his eyes "wha.." he said groggily and a voice replied back. "Morning sleepy head didn't think you would ever wake up" it was Namine who was talking, he looked at her and she was already dressed in her uniform. Today was our first day at twilight high . "What time is it?" he ask hopping out of bed, heading for the bathroom. "Its nearly 8 hurry up, or we'll be late for our 1st day" she called walking out of the room "Mrs Mathews said if you dont come down by 8 she'll leave ". He looked around him wondering to himself; so this was his new life here in Twilight Town.   

*** flash back ***

~1 years ago destiny island~

"Chase since your 14 now your old enough to know why your here" Mrs Jasmin said with a kind tone to her voice, she was the head of the orphange him and his sister lived in . "what do you mean, will you finally tell me what happened to my parents" Chase asked eyes wide with antisipation "yes, well ..." she trailed off . He saw this and immedetly realised this wasnt going to be good news ."listen your parents arived her 11 years ago and left, they had a letter wrapped in the blanket you and your sister were in. That letter explained that complcated issues had occured and that they couldnt look after you anymore. Also, with it they left 2 neaklaces for us to give to you when we showed you the letter, so here" Mrs Jasmine reached to one of the draws on her desk and retrived 2 lockets; both had names ingraved on them "woah its amazing!" Chase reached out for his locket and twisted it around in his hand "does it open? " he asked but she didnt reply, she was staring at a piece of paper that looked like his test paper, he took at school a couple of days ago. He moved around in his seat tring to get a better look, it was when he saw the initials in seal - Destiny Island School WAS HIS TEST RESULT!.

"Chase" she said after a long silence "why didnt you tell me you were this smart." He looked up and stared her in the eyes Mrs Jasmin's voice was monotone, but he could see a glimmer of hurt in her brown eyes . "Im sorry i didnt think it was important, i just thought it was a family thing, since Namine is smart aswell. Namine was currently out shopping with the rest of the kids in the orphange.

"WHAT, Namine aswell " she looked at him astonished by what he said, seconds earlier "yeh" Chase said horsly. Mrs Jasmine was thinking things over in her brain. Things were connecting Chase and Namine bored attutted towards school , there constant high marks (even when they were absent) and Chase's frequent fights with kids in his school, it all made sence . Just then Mrs Jasmine had a idea "Chase im not mad but, how would you and Namine like to go to this magnet and sport school. It is very great only the really smart kids or sporty kids can get into this school . Its all the way in Twilight Town so you'll have to move there -dont worry" Mrs Jasmin said quickly seeing chase's worried face "you wont be by yourself, their is a friend of mine who lives there she has lots of kids, so you'll feel right at home... think about it okay" she said, hearing the front door open with a loud burst of chatter  . "Chase look what i got you " Namine said running over to her brother, who was standing outside the office.  It was a wooden sword. "I know how much you liked it, when we saw it last time" she said with a beaming smile . Chase looked at her, accepting his present, even though they were twins they were different (not just being different genders) Namine had deep blue eyes, while Chase on the other hand had bright green eyes. Her hair was a few shades lighter than his as he had dirty blond hair, while she had a pale blond colour; but Namine in genral was paler than her twin as she liked to draw so she was indoors mostly. While her counter part was much tanner as his favoirte past time was, running to the beach and battling waka or tidus. "Namine what do think about moving schools?" he asked, nervous about her answer.



I was running downstairs, my locket bobbing up and down  . I cant belive that i was only here for about a day and, managed to loose my wristband "where is it" i yelled throwing clothes from my suitcase eveywhere "looking for this" i turned my head and saw hayner standing on the door frame.  He was a 1st year in twilight high, the same year as me and Namine (but he was older since we slipped a year)  "YES, thanks hayner" i say walking over to were they boy was extending armout to take it off him but he quickly yanked it back "what the-" i begain to say "not so fast you owe me how about repaying me by doing my chores for a week?" he retorted . I had only met them yesterday afternoon when they picked us up from the airport and we had a whole afternoon to get to know the kids. Mrs Jasmine wasnt joking about the 'lots of kids' statment . There was demeyx who was 17 and in his 2nd year. He was Mrs Matthew's eldest and only son, as the rest were adopted. Hayner age 16, Aqua age18 and was a 3rd and final year, Marluxia age18 too, Larxene age 17 and maxi age 8. All together, there was 6 kids, with an additional 2 (me and namine) now there is 8. I got to talk to most of them, demeyx or 'dem' for short is kind of doopy and lazy but hes a good guy at heart, Hayner is a hot head and would rather prefer fist over mouth , Marluxia is really .. strange, he REALLY loves flowers and sythes, Larxene is the one who was adopted a couple of weeks ago. She is still getting use to the family, Aqua is the 2nd mother of the group (since she is the oldest) and is the one to look after Maxi when Mrs Mathews is out. Last of all thiers little maxi, who i accually got along with quite well. She was telling me about her candy castle, and how she would let me live their with her. 

"Give it back,hayner " i yell lunging to grab it but someone beat him to it. "How about you do your own chores unless, you want me to tell mum?" Dem said towering above Hayner "n-no plaease dont tell mum i-i-i was only k-kiding i swear" Hayner stammered in reply "i hope so, now get ready for school." He bolted to his room and i looked at dem as, he placed the wristband on my wrist. "There all done, he wont bother you for a while ... haven't i seen that wristband befor" he stared at it. I looked at him "you cant have only one other person has it and he moved away long ago." Outside, Mrs Mathews was waiting pationly for eveyone to get into the car. After waiting 10 minutes she honked, telling eveyone to 'get into the car or else you walk to school'honk.

 I looked at myself in the mirror, i was wearing a plain white short sleeve shirt with the black school jumper tied around my waist. Black trousers and black and white skull convers shoes (since our school has no rules for shoes) i did my hair quicky it was short, blond and spikey with one last look i grabed my bag and headed for the door .  It was the beginning of my new life at Twilight High.

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