Seeya Later.

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Goodbyes are never easy, especially when you're saying goodbye to someone you love wholeheartedly. And yet here I am, saying goodbye to Ricky. I guess the upside of this goodbye is that it isn't forever, it's a "see ya later" kind of goodbye. And I will see him later, I'll see him in a month when he comes to Denver to visit me at my new school, YAC. It'll be fine, it's just one month, 31 days, 731 hours, 2, 629, 746 seconds. Get it together Nini. Fuck, I really hope I made the right choice.



We're all at Ashlyns, celebrating the success of our opening night. Honestly I'm mostly celebrating that Nini and I finally got our shit together and told each other how we felt. I LOVE HER. I'm so happy and in love and I'm still riding the high from performing and, I want to shout it out so the whole world knows.. so I do, "I LOVE YOU NINI SALAZAR-ROBERTS" I yell, laughing, gathering a few funny looks from people. I notice Big Red in the corner who must have heard me because he's looking at me and matches my goofy ass smile, but then I see Gina next to him and she looks me at me a little.. regretfully? Shit, my bad. Okay, not the best idea Bowen especially so soon after the Gina, homecoming incident.
I better go make sure she's okay. Nervously, "Hey G, I'm really sorry about that,"
she looks at me with a small smile, and shrugs,
"ya, not going to lie, it stung a little, but I'll get over it. It's cool Rick,"
"Still, I should have thought about how it would make you feel. I'm just.. yeah, sorry."
"Ricky, you're in love, you shouldn't have to hide it from anyone. It is what it is. Nini is lucky to have you,"
"Thanks G,  I am lucky to have her. And whoever you meet next is going to be so blessed," I tell her meaningfully, but she kind of just gives me a half smile, replying,
"Ha, yeah, thanks." with an awkward laugh, and walks over to Carlos and Seb.
"That was awkward." Red says, bringing my focus back to him, and honestly, I'd forgotten he was there.
"Yeah, fucked up a little bit when I yelled out about Nini." I say back, my eyes wandering the room, trying to make sure G is okay.
"Dude, it's chill. Gina understands, stop worrying about it. Now go and find your leading lady. Have fun tonight man!" Red tells me as he pats my shoulder and heads off.
I still feel bad about putting Gina into that situation, but Red is right.
I'm glad Gina and I spoke, it brought some closure to me that I hadn't realize I needed.
Anyway, speaking of leading lady, I haven't seen that gorgeous face in a while.
"Hey man, have you seen Nini?" I walk over and ask Big Red,
"Yeah she was talking to Ash in the kitchen like 20 minutes ago,"
"Cool, thanks dude"
Walking into the kitchen, I see Ash talking to Steph, but no sign of Nini. "Do you guys know where Nini went? I thought she was in here talking to you?"
"Oh she was, and then she went upstairs to talk to Kourtney." Ash said shrugging,
"Yeah and she kinda seemed a little off," Steph added.
Wait what? A little off? Was Nini regretting what happened in the changing room? Damn it, I thought she'd be on cloud 9 like I am, was, I don't know. Fuck I've gotta go find her and sort this out, I can't lose her again.
"Thanks for the heads up,"
I walk upstairs cautiously, looking for my girl and hear Kourtney and Nini talking from inside one of the rooms,
"Look Nini, this is a huge deal. Ricky deserves to know" Wait what, what's a huge deal? I deserve to know what?
"I'm going to tell him Kourt, I'm just nervous. I just got him back and this happens"
What is happening right now? I'm so confused and anxious, and, fucking shit, why is my skin prickly all of a sudden and why can't I breathe properly?
In the midst of whatever the fuck is happening to me, I hear the door open and Kourtney almost bangs into me. "Oh shit, sorry-Ricky? What are you doing up here? Hey you all good? You look a little sick."
I go to reply, but suddenly I feel like the walls are closing in on me, I'm losing my breath, and my heart is beating so fucking fast.

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