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A war was breaking out on my home planet, Gallifrey. Me and my brother were in our house, hiding under his bed. Our parents had gone out to fight ages ago with the rest of our people, I had stayed behind to protect my brother. If we lost our parents, he's the only thing I have left. 

Time was a difficult concept on Gallifrey. Though with nobody just walking around outside to tell us, it made it harder to decipher and keep track of. Without a warning, I pulled myself out from under the bed, staying out of sight whilst I crawled around the room collecting clothes and small items in a bag I'd found slumped against the wall. 

I shoved the bag into his face as his arms were crossed underneath his chin, keeping it off the rough carpet, though he didn't complain as to not alert the Daleks of our location. I gestured for him to stay where he was as I shuffled towards my room and did the same thing, though I had to roll under my dresser as a Dalek passed the window above me.

Not long after I'd finished grabbing my own possessions, we exited our house through the open back door, taking care to keep to the walls and shadows of assorted buildings and momentarily hiding in small alcoves on our way to the TARDIS docking stations. We were only meters away from the closest available TARDIS when I turned my head to look behind us and saw a group of Daleks in close pursuit and realised that only one of us would make it whilst the other held them off. 

I screamed at my brother to run before it was too late, his slicked back hair fell out of place as he whipped his head around to see me and the flashing lights of the Dalek beams caught his eye. At first he refused, persuading me to follow him, but when he realised that I couldn't, he ran towards the docking station.
Far away.
Away from me.

Updated. Improved story! I'll try to publish the next chapter as soon as I can. Goodnight my readers!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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