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A catastrophic symphony.

That's what you could call their relationship.

They both have the most contrasting and opposing characteristics and yet... they meld and collide with each other effortlessly, perfectly even. Their souls resonate with one another beautifully, one soul the others half, they were the most impeccable soul mates.

And yet, they themselves didn't know the history of their own two souls, on how much love and passion between them happened, on how they cried for somebody, anybody, to save them as they were prosecuted for loving someone of the same sex.

It's idiotic really, how absolutely ignorant people are. Every single different object in the sight of a human needs to be murdered, hacked into miniscule bits and pieces until it is completely and utterly eradicated.

Of course, when the two souls even just took a single glance at the other they obviously felt an immediate connection, like an invisible force attracting them towards the other, quite like magnets do, the only difference would be that their tug on their hearts was stronger than a magnet's attraction ever could be.

The pressing in their chests, the beating of their hearts, the ever-rising heat in their necks and cheeks, an immediate blush taking over their faces as both people glanced down towards the ground as their eyes locked for the first time, stuck in an unbreakable trance which only by their willpower, they can break it.

After multiple centuries, the two souls found each other again, after yearning for eachother for so long, they can finally be in each others' arms again giving warmth and comfort to their physical bodies, a pulchritudinous smile breaking through both of the boys' faces, reaching the ends of their ears, grinning harder than they ever had before, and they both took one light step forward.

"Hi," said the first soul, excitement evident in his mellifluous voice. The airy lightness of the boy's sound vibrating through the air, reaching the other's ears, sending a shiver down the taller boy's spine. The long-legged boy giggled lightly, chuckling deeply at the greeting of the younger.

"Hi," the second soul replied, mellowness over taking his ocean-deep vocals as he looked down at the shorter male in front of him.

"It's nice to finally meet you... my soulmate."



also regarding to fanfic (I'm sorry oml i haven't updated that book in mONTHS) i am writing s chapter it's like a quarter finished so y'all don't have to wait for much longer! (/^▽^)/

I like writing these short stories idk why.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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