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Dear Reader,

A Torey Hope Novel Book 3 is coming soon! But, until it releases, I thought you might like to catch up with our favorite Torey Hope residents: Captain Decker, The Morgans, and The Jordans. Four years have passed since the epilogue of Because of Beckett. It’s right after Thanksgiving and the families are preparing for Christmas celebrations.

Here’s a quick reminder and run down of the families:

Nate and Libby Morgan are happily married. Their daughter Abigail Emerson “Abby” is now eight years old. Their twin boys, Decker Nathaniel and Sawyer Nicholas are four years old. Nate wouldn’t mind another baby, but Libby has put down the proverbial foot and said no more children. The twins keep her hopping. Nate and Maverick were not very happy with the procedure she scheduled for them.

Jeremiah and Audrey Jordan are very much still in the honeymoon phase even this many years after they said “I do”. Our favorite little insightful boy, Beckett, is ten years old. Megan Elise is a six year old princess, at least in Daddy’s eyes. Remember when Jeremiah was musing that another baby was possibly in the works; he wanted another boy so Meg would have a big brother, a little brother, and a daddy to protect her? Well, he got his wish. Kendrick Robert is almost four years old. “Three’s company” as Jeremiah would say; he and Audrey have called it quits on babies. Jeremiah jokes that they should have looked for a buy-one-get-one free procedure since he and Nate were both out of commission the same week. The girls swear it was just a coincidence, but the guys are pretty sure it was planned that way. As a side note: Audrey finally relented and gave in to calling her sister Libby rather than Beth; she broke the habit because everyone began calling her sister Libby and it just stuck.

Nicky and Carly Morgan are still looking at each other with stars in their eyes; it’s truly touching to watch them together. If two people were ever meant for each other, it’s Nicky and Carly; they fit like two perfectly matched puzzle pieces. Their love is inspiring. They are also in love with their four year old Zachery “Zach” Malone. They are very much enjoying trying for another baby, but they know they are blessed beyond measure with their little boy.

Captain Decker, John and Cindy Morgan, and Jack and Judy Jordan are in love with their grandchildren and spend as much time with them as possible. Seven kids ages 4-10 are a lot to handle, so usually the older couples will team up to take them all on at once. The grandparents have never been happier and are beyond blessed with the friendships they’ve formed together.

A lot of readers suggested that they would like to hear a little more about Captain Decker, The Morgans, and The Jordans. That’s what this novella is; it’s a chance to catch up with Nate, Libby, Jeremiah, Audrey, Nicky, and Carly along with hearing some touching love stories from the past and present.

And, as with most novellas, this book will serve as a little sneak peek into characters we may find gracing us with their stories in A Torey Hope Novel Book 3.

Thank you for continuing to love these characters and their stories; you, the readers, are what keep the stories alive.

Happy Reading!

Christmas in Torey Hope, A NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now