Blind Dates

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"In which two girls swap blind dates."

AN: Hermione was a Gryffindor alumni, Draco was a Slytherin alumni, Ron is now a Ravenclaw alumni, and Astoria is also a Slytherin alumni.

Ron and Hermione didn't have much interaction and he was instead apart of the Copper Trio which is a piece of writing that is currently being written for the last one year but I am so busy with life. This is more of a side story of what happened in their brighter future.

"And confirm!" Hermione squealed as she tapped on the icon on her rugged computer in the internet cafe below her apartment building. Her only muggle friend recommended that she try online dating after having multiple fiascoes with previous boyfriends only liking her looks until they saw her real preferred look. So who cares if she has the most bushiest hair in the world? Doesn't love matter than some woman's cake faced makeup?

Her face beamed when the person almost responded immediately and asked her to meet up at a small inn where she quite frequently visited with her friends. In fact, he asked if he wanted to meet tonight which she obliged because she was busy anyways until the weekend. Although a slight thought came to her and she wondered if it is a one night stand. She already encountered one of those types of guys and made a mental note to have a background check before she clicked yet. 

Judging from the picture, it's obviously a wizard trying his luck. She recognized him from Hogwarts, but they didn't have any interaction after 1st year other than the occasional small talk during classes. Perhaps he was a Ravencaw since he had a blue tie during the battle of Hogwarts. She almost shuddered when she recalled the violence she fought alongside Harry and Neville and was proud when some Ravenclaws had the decency to fight back with their knowledge. 

She first went upstairs to her closet to find a decent outfit for a first impression. Although Hermione isn't that type of woman to care what men think, she didn't want to be too formal or casual for a first date. 

After ten minutes of searching, she deemed a sky blue shirt with white jeans to be suitable for the occasion. It is chilly in London, so she also had a matching grey cardigan to complete the look. Now the only thing left to do is to comb her bushy hair for the next two hours before her date.

So with some charms here, and a little hairspray there, she had normal curly hair tied into an elegant ponytail. Many others said she looked like Belle from the Disney movie with slightly darker skin and that abnormal bushy hair. 

Finally, she was ready to exit out of the apartment in style before hurrying down about an hour before the date started. Call her crazy, but she considers punctuality really important.

When she arrived at the queer inn, she loved the atmosphere of all friends gathering around in a Tuesday evening with few families also around to give that warmth. She knew that her date would be the ONLY one without a partner, so she decided to book a table for the remainder of the time while eating the day's special. 

Time seemed to past slower than the NEWT years as she twirled her soup spoon around the bowl for the thousandth time. That is until a rather dashing stranger appeared in front of her as he plopped himself to set opposing her. Hermione didn't particularly notice as she also brought a book just in case she came a bit too early.

"Ahem," the mysterious handsome blonde stranger called out before gasping at the sight of the bookworm. Even Hermione had taken a double take to see who sat in front of her. Being natural enemies, they started the conservation with a bad tone. Of course a friend's enemy is my enemy roared into her head from Harry. 



They stared at each other before realizing that the time just ticked two minutes faster than they expected.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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