getting to know each other. because. y'know.

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hello and welcome :)))

if you're one of the (i am proud to say) many people that always frequent my books, SUP PEEPS AND WELCOME TO THE LATEST SHEBANG IN A LOOONG LINE OF THEM :D

if you're new around here, well, hello again :D

my name is miyu - well, at least, my internet name is.

it's lovely to meet you! *virtual handshake/hug* (whichever you prefer, lol.)

what would you like me to call you? let me know →

and don't be shy - last time i checked, i don't bite. i'm no edward cullen.

how are you feeling this fine day?

all good? cool.

not rlly that good? i'm sorry to hear it - hopefully my slapstick writing can help? let's hope.

key word here : hope.

like most of my non-story works, this book will be highly interactive. i'll be asking you to comment certain things in certain places, and this will all be ABSOLUTELY necessary for the book to run smoothly. i wanna hear back from my audience, y'know?

well :D

hopefully i haven't scared you away.

if you're here, you're a brave soul, dearie, and i admire you.

and now moving on, to the first part of this chaos, which is....

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