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Time flies fast, pigeons go one place to another, ice melts even the glaciers. But the question is, can two people with different perspective in life attracts? Can they fall in love? Or do you believe in love?

"They say when cupid plays his role in your life you can't turn in down instead you will end up accepting and be happy to what he just made. But not everyone living in this world have a happy ending. No one finish it's journey yet and wrote it out on a book"

Fate must be the one who will make moves right? But what if it will be too late to come to you? Will you just sit right in there waiting or you will find a way to make your the one came in an instant?

" In life, there is what we called love; unpredictable, unexpected, mysterious and it doesn't choose. It is just a four letter word but have different meaning to each one of us." ZYRENE CRISTALLE KANS HERSHELL

"People believe on a hilarious word "love" eventhough it is not true. Why do I conclude like this simple because its nothing; it does nothing to those people who feels it". EZEKIEL MACHIEKO VARTES MONTALBAN

People with different perspection in life and different meanings of emotion they feel. Can they fall inlove with each other when time comes by? Or will they ignore and be indenial forever?

Find out and read at your own risk everyone❤

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