The Cringe Poem

26 5 2

If u feel cringe
Ur less than an inch
From saying this
As it is.

Feelin' like that too,
What I'm gonna do?
Write this thing
For you to bring.

If you feel this way,
What u gonna say?
What a shame,
Forget my name!

Damn this world!
Damn this word!
I'ma fall!
Damn it all!

This is what u gonna say
If u feelin' cringe today.
And you feel it, and you mean it,
And you feel like there's no limit,

There's just you.
What to do?
Gurl look up!
It's not a pub!

If ur like this, well don't be!
'Cause now here is me!

So R we gonna go?

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