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I've always been a bit of a survivalist bordering on paranoia. When I was ten, I had a dream where someone came into my house and killed everyone in it. I spent the next four years gathering materials to make a self-defense rig to hopefully keep my family alive. Needless to say, not everything I needed was easy to get ahold of. The wood and nails were easy to get since my father was a carpenter the guns, on the other hand, were far tougher to get. As the years went on and my contraption began to come to its conclusion, I knew without a doubt that the dream had not just been a dream. A week before the terrible night I broke into a neighbor's house while they were away on vacation and stole as means rifles and shotguns as I could. On the night before my 14th birthday, I set up my contraption knowing that that night would forever change my life. I tried telling my parents of my dream and my fear, but they wouldn't listen and chalked it up to a child's fantasy... boy were they wrong. I woke to the sound of a gunshot in my parents' bedroom and the screams of my mother which were silenced by, yet another gunshot. Flying out of bed I got onto the floor and braced my feet against the bad of my contraption grabbing the ropes that I hoped when yanked would pull the triggers of the three 12gauge pump shotguns with home defense shells 2 ak47s with full magazines and three muzzleloaders I had set upbeat different angles to get the widest and I' hoped the most deadly spread. As the two gunmen stepped into my room their faces went from looks of surprise to outright horror as they saw my machine of death. With what I hoped was my most evil grin I yanked the ropes hard and the world exploded in sound and destruction. When the cops arrived, they said it looked like the two gunmen and my doorway had been put through a meat grinder. I don't know for sure because the sound had knocked me unconscious. I had lost all hearing and after several major surgeries I have gotten it back but with an added bonus....I hear at inhuman levels and gain insight into people because of if that night was 15 years ago and today I kill for a living. Wheat her it is man woman beast or other if it is dangerous, I am called. I am Vincent Altier and I am known as the Shadow Killer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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