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Hope you enjoy! Here's the one-shot:

Travis' POV

I laid my head down in Loren's lap to take a nap, while she opened up a book. We had been working on homework for the past few hours at her house, and I'm so tired at this point.

We stayed like this, her reading and I resting, until eventually she laid down her book and began to hum. Loren is a really shy person, but is a force to be reckoned with once you get to know her.

However, there's always been one thing that she keeps very private. Music. I've always known that she loves music.

Music is what kept her going when her brother committed suicide. Music is what kept her going when her parents divorced. Music is what kept her going when her alcoholic father was arrested for drunk driving.

She's always humming or singing something under her breath. So long as you don't point it out, you could listen to her quiet, yet powerful voice.

She shifted slightly, let out a sigh, and began to sing.

I close my eyes,
And I can see,
A world that's waiting up for me,
That I call my own

No matter what, she was always smiling. Even after everything she's been through, she still manages to be one of the happiest people I know. It's not that she's okay with how her life is playing out, it's just that she knows she can't change it. She's made peace with what she has.

She has hope for her future.

Through the dark,
Through the door,
Through where no ones been before,
But it feels like home

She's different. She's always been different. Normal people would've given up at this point. But she's not normal. Maybe that's why I chose to be her friend when she moved next door. She's unique, and it seems like it comes to her naturally.

They can say,
They can say it all sounds crazy
They can say,
They can say I've lost my mind

Some people hate her for her smile. They hate her for her kindness. I think it's because it's so difficult to smile when life refuses to give you a reason to smile. People become angry towards those who can still smile. They become angry because they can't manage to smile.

I don't care,
I don't care,
So call me crazy
We can live in a world that we design

She doesn't let it get to her. She still smiles, regardless of the hate she could receive. She's determined to be the person for others that she needed in her darkest moments.

'Cause every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake

She's just a beacon of hope to everyone she sees. She'll make you smile when you've had a bad day. Even if all she does is wave hello.

I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take

It all makes sense to her. She just has this certainty about her. She yearns for a world where people don't feel like they want to die, when really they want to start living. She yearns for a world where couples fight past their struggles, instead of calling it quits. She yearns for a world where innocent people don't die because of the recklessness of others. And she fights for that world.

Oh, a million dreams for the world we're gonna make

She fights for it everyday with a smile on her face and a kind word on her lips.

I want to protect that. I want to make it so that she doesn't have to fight alone. I want to fight along side her. It's always been us two. 'Loren and Travis' since 6th grade. I want it to stay that way. I want 'Loren and Travis' to make it past senior year. I want us to fight for the people of now and of the future.

She stops singing and lays back on the couch. Eventually her breathing start to even out. She's falling asleep.

I'm falling too. Just not asleep.

I know I didn't run through the whole song, but I hope you still enjoyed it. Make sure you check out my other stories!

 Make sure you check out my other stories!

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Thanks for reading!
- That One Kid

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