Chapter 1

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      “Mister Harving, could you please answer the question?” Mrs. Robinson asked. Lucas suddenly raised his head off his desk.

“Hmm?” he asked sleepily. Some of the students in the room giggled.

“The question on the board, Mister Harving,” Mrs. Robinson repeated. “What is the answer?”

Lucas stared at the board for a few seconds, mind completely blank. More students started giggling.

“Umm...” he finally replied, “...32?” Everyone then started cracking up with laughter.

“Mister Harving, it may be the last day of school, but that doesn’t mean you can just think you can’t pay attention and forget a whole year’s worth of education!” Mrs. Robinson snapped.

Suddenly, a student’s hand rose into the air and started shaking with anticipation. Mrs. Robinson just sighed.

“Yes, Ned?” she asked.

“The answer is 5.34203!” The student said with pride and a smile on his face.

“Yes, that is correct,” Mrs. Robinson replied. She then just rolled her eyes. “It’s hard to believe my last class before my retirement would contain only one student who actually knows what is going on here...” More students started snickering.

RIIIIINNNNGGGGG!!!! The bell rang and everyone quickly gathered their things and left the room. Only one more period before the big assembly in the gymnasium, then it would be the end of the school year!

The hallway, as usual, was total pandemonium; everyone was bumping into each other, everyone was yanking at their locks to get them open, and even some kids were bolting for the restrooms.

At this point in his life, Lucas knew his way around all the hallway chaos. Fortunately, his locker was right by Mrs. Robinson’s room, so he didn’t have that much to go through. After quickly opening his locker (he had the easy combination of 15-14-15), he quickly placed his geometry book and binder into his locker and grabbed what he needed for chemistry, his last class before the assembly.

After he shut his locker and picked up his stuff, he quickly turned to the right and started bolting.

“UFF!” he and another student suddenly exclaimed as they rammed into each other. Lucas’s stuff, as well as the other student’s, fell onto the ground. Lucas just groaned and started picking up his supplies.

“I’m sorry!” the other student quickly told him. “It was my fault!” Lucas looked up at the student. It was a chubby girl with long blonde hair, thick glasses, and puffy cheeks. Lucas had seen her a few times throughout the school year; she was a sophomore who moved to the district at the beginning of the semester. She didn’t seem to have many friends, and her weight most likely had something to do with it; at Coston High, it seemed the only way to survive is to have good looks.

“No, you’re good,” Lucas replied to her. “I didn’t see where I was going.”

“Are you okay?” the girl asked.

“I’m fine.”

“You sure?”

“YES!” She just stared at him like she was about to cry. Lucas just groaned. “Sorry...” he murmured.

He then sped-walked around her and towards the chemistry lab, which was a few classrooms away. Halfway down the hallway, he turned back briefly to see the chubby girl stare back at him for another second before she started going the opposite direction.

Finally, Lucas made it into the classroom and took his seat. A minute later, his lab partner, Ned, sat right next to him.

As soon as he did, he turned to Lucas and asked, “32? Seriously?” Lucas just rolled his eyes.

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