00: the tree

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see the tree how big it's grown
but friend, it hasn't been too long
it wasn't big

     There was a tree in Kuroo Tetsurou's back garden that could be seen by both Kozume Kenma and Kozume (name) who very conveniently lived next door. In fact, Kuroo Tetsurou (who was referred to as Tetsu) had never planned to have a tree in his back garden. Although, it wasn't very large at the minute.

     You see, (name) had planted an oak tree in Tetsu's back garden - she claimed that her dad had come home with a few tree saplings for whatever reason, so she decided that the best thing to do was plant on in Tetsu's garden. It wasn't a bad thing, Tetsu supposed, because he'd always have a little piece of (name) in his back garden for as long as he wished. And his father didn't seem to mind, too, so it was a win-win situation.

     Little eight-year old Tetsu, seven-year-old Kenma and six-year-old (name) liked to sit in Tetsu's garden and cheer on the tree to see if it would grow faster with encouragement. Of course, Kenma just sat on his gameboy, playing the latest Pokemon game, whereas Tetsu and (name) were having the time of their lives screeching at the top of their lungs:

     "TREE! TREE! TREE! TREE!" Tetsu would yell.

     "VEGANS! VEGANS! VEGANS!" (name) would yell, which was followed by a strange look from Tetsu (who didn't know what a vegan was) and then an explanation from (name) who described vegans as hippies from the 80s. And thus, Tetsu lived the rest of his life up until high school thinking that a vegan was a hippie (Kenma eventually explained that a vegan was not a hippie and was rather just someone who didn't eat anything that came from an animal - needless to say, Tetsu thought that vegans were boring from that point on).

     "Say, when will the tree actually grow?" Said Tetsu, flopping down on the grass just before where the tree was growing. "It looks like a stick. Sticks can't hold up tree houses."

     As Kenma silently sat down next to Tetsu with his gameboy, (name) sat down on the other side and sighed. "My dad says that it'll take a while yet because tree houses are heavy."

     Tetsu pulled a face and then flung himself back on the dirt, throwing out his arms and legs and miming making a snow angel. "But a while is forever! I wish adults could be more pacific."

     "Specific," Kenma corrected, his eyes not moving from his PSP. He'd been playing Pokemon since he woke up in the morning - he got up, had his breakfast, and got straight back into bed with his gameboy until (name) dragged him outside to see Tetsu, who was standing and sending morse code from his bedroom window (which was directly opposite (name)'s window - both windows were on the sides of the house).

     Tetsu pulled a face that said 'gee, thanks' and said nothing. His snow angel movements stopped as his dad opened the patio doors to talk to the three.

     "You guys look so bored over there," he called, leaning on the frame and holding a whisk in his hand. "Your grandma and I are making cookies for the three of you, and in the meantime, why don't you plan the interior of your tree house?"

     As he shut the patio doors, Tetsu turned to you with an excited look on his face. He grabbed both of your arms and shook you almost violently. "DAD SAID WE CAN HAVE A TREE HOUSE!" He exclaimed, "DAD SAID WE CAN HAVE A TREE HOUSE AND WE CAN PLAN IT."

     "OH YEEEEAHHH!" (name) yelled, louder than the volume that Tetsu was yelling at. "I WANT A SWIMMING POOL."

     "That's not how physics work," Kenma commented. "You can't have a swimming pool in a tree house." Still, he hadn't moved from his gameboy, and proceeded to rapidly click the buttons in an effort to get his favourite pokemon from dying. However, it was futile, and, although he had a few others he could use, he left the gym, saved, and returned to reality. He sat up, leaned back on his hands, and sighed - being the only smart person in the group was very tiring.

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