
18 1 0

MIA Renee Rebel

Age :17
Hair :brown

Love interest: james

Friends : none

Personality sad happy scared hurt shy depressed

Grayson digger Rebel

Mia's dad the abuser he is all ways drunk and does drugs he got the drug from a gang and he didnt pay them yet the is gang he got the drugs from is james is gang.

Hair: black
Personality mean ungrateful careless

James Xavier King

He is one of the most feared gangs ever no one messes with him everyone is scared of him James doesn't know that Grayson is Mia's father he does not know about the abuse and the pain the name of his gang is call the bleeding skulls

Hair light brown

Personality pain stressed mean and nice badass

Love interest:: mia
Down the line

Ryan Dark Knight
Age :18
Hair :dark black
Personality cool mean half the time and badass protective

Blake black night
Personality loving protective cuddly and badass

Blue micheal knight
Ryan's brother they dont have parents they died
Age 16
Personality good with guns happy and mad and protective

Brittany McKenzie star
Hair dark blonde
Age 17
Personality rude stuck up spoiled bassy sassy

 gangleader and the abused girlWhere stories live. Discover now