The Disappearance of Three Hot Men.

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"If you don't like Obama as a president you gotta like him as a person". Octopussy said.

"True dat." Headcase stated. "I'm totally black." 

"Headcase, you're so racist." Angel snapped.

"Racist" Octopussy agreed.

"That's just how Head do." 

"Quit with the racism." Octopussy snarled.

"And I am going to slap you unless you start talking like a normal, non-racist person!" Angel threatened.

"Boom shaka laca!" Headcase teased.

"What's with the racism, cracker?" Octopussy sighed.

Headcased stared at Octopussy. Blinked a few times and said, 

"Say what?"

 "The white equivalent of nigger." 

Headcase pointed her finger at Octopussy.

"Look who's being racist now, hmm?" She shouted.

 "You started it cracka!" Octopussy yelled.

"Nuh uh"

"Uh huh"

Headcase looked around and found a conveniently placed cup and threw it at Octopussy.

"Anger!" She boomed

Octopussy picked up a conveniently located baby and chucked it at Headcase.

"Now that..." Headcase paused. Shocked at her sudden actions.

"Well...That's just cruel" She picked up a toddler and held it, mid-air.

"This is more robust!" She threw it at Octopussy with an evil and manic grin.

Octopussy slapped Headcase in the face with a fish. Headcase grabbed Octopussy's step-father, Indian.

She used him as a shield. She grabbed a chicken wing and aimed it at Octopussy like a sword.

Octopussy was angry at Headcase and wanted to hit her where it hurts.

Gerran Howell. Star of Young Dracula. Headcase had become happier as the days leading up to the premiere to it approached. 

She took him. She took him to the edge of a cliff. 

"Put the chicken wing down, Headcase." She screamed.

"Just...just put Gerran back. Please. Don't break him." She was close to tears.

"Put the motherfucking chicken wing down!" 

"I have!" Octopussy looked behind Headcase and saw she had her love, Brian Kellett, held captive.

"Now you let Brian go! I'll do anything." She cried.

"Okay then. I'll trade you Brian for Gerran." 

Gerran was released of Octopussy's tight grip and he tried to run. As far as he could.

Headcase abruptly ran after him.


Octopussy turned her attention to Brian. His eyes filled with fear.

She started hugging and cuddling him.

"It's okay, honey. The baddie's gone now." She spoke softly. 

They returned. Gerran cower in the corner while she shakes a saucepan angrily. 


Silence fell upon them.

"Where's Angel?" Headcase asked calmly.

Octopussy remained quiet. Headcase captured Gerard Way, Angel's love.

She held him over the river. Minutes passed and she was nowhere to be seen.

"Well...she obviously doesn't love him." Headcase spoke. 

"We have Gerard!" Octopussy boomed.

She appeared. Horrified at the sight in her view. 

"Angel," Headcase yelled. "You clearly don't understand the love between people we cannot have." Headcase then began electrocuting the water. 

Angel knocked Headcase unconscious with Lynz's bass.

"Take that!" She boomed.

She pushed Gerran into the water and recued Gerard. 

"Later guys" 

And with that, she was gone. 

Gerard's pet unicorn approached Headcase and began eating her little toe.

"Angel! You broke Gerran..." Thunder clapped. 

Brian took one look at Octopussy and realised he was falling uncontrollably in love with her. 

"Run away with me, Octopussy?" 

She wasn't sure how he knew her name but she still agreed. Always <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2012 ⏰

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