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Yeah, I finally submitted to y'all and made this a book. Hope you're happy, you sadistic fucks.

So I'm obviously a more experienced writer than I used to be, so more detail has been put into this. You'll find some changes in the story. Minor ones that hold little significance, of course.

The cover was created by the absolutely lovely RedFox_CoffeeAddict! Thank you <3

Okay, let us begin.


Peter bounced his way to the tower.

His day had been going swimmingly so far. Flash had been absent, so he didn't have to look over his shoulder every other second.

May was working tonight, which would usually make him sad, but that meant he got to spend the night with his mentor and the team.

Tonight was movie night at the tower, which always involved games and cuddles with his huge, dysfunctional family.

"Hey Friday!" He exclaimed the second he walked through the door. "What floor is Mr. Stark on?"

He walked into the elevator as Friday responded. He hummed his theme song as the elevator went up.

"You seem to be in a good mood." The AI observed. "I must warn you that your good mood might not last much longer."

"What?" Peter asked, furrowing his brow. "What do you mean by--?"

The elevator doors opened, and Peter stepped out. He shook his head, surely Friday didn't mean anything too serious by that. Maybe a prank was waiting for him?

He released a breath. Yeah, that had to be it. Clint was probably waiting for him with a candy cane or something.

He found that Tony wasn't in the common room, so he ventured to find him. "Mr. Stark?" He called.

Finally, he spotted Tony in the hallway. He was confused to find that Tony wasn't alone.

Tony turned to Peter, having heard his footsteps. "Oh...Mr. Parker..." Tony mumbled awkwardly. "What are you doing here...?"

"It's Tuesday?" Peter tilted his head in confusion, his smile dimming slightly. Mr. Parker? "I'm always here on Tuesday."

"Oh." Tony mumbled, looking awkwardly at the wall. If Peter didn't know any better, he'd say that Tony almost seemed disgusted by Peter's presence.

Peter realized they were stood in front of his door. As in Peter's guest room. The one that had a lot of Peter's stuff in it.

Peter was more than a little suprised when he found his previously mentioned stuff in a box on the floor.

"So..." Peter mumbled, confusion growing. "Who's this?" Peter asked, gesturing to the other person.

The boy looked to be around Peter's age. He held an air of darkness that Peter didn't quite understand. It wasn't like he was all too intimidating, Peter knew he could probably take him. He internally flushed, ashamed with himself for even thinking that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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