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I don't know about you, but puberty for me was absolutely horrible. Not only did my body go through some of the weirdest changes, I got superpowers as well. That's right. On my Earth (yes I'm from an Earth parallel to yours) everyone develops powers once they hit puberty and those powers are with you for life. Anything ranging from super strength, to flight, to even manipulating an element. Everyone on my world had powers of varying degrees and I was no exception to the rule. My powers first manifested during my twelfth birthday when I discovered that I had tactile telekinesis. That basically means that I'm surrounded by a field of telekinetic energy that keeps me safe and enhances my physical abilities. You would think that I'd be happy right? I mean, what kid wouldn't want superpowers at twelve years old? But I wasn't. I was actually terrified. For one thing, my powers fluctuated depending on my stress level. Low stress meant that I had control whereas high stress meant that if I wasn't careful, I could hurt someone. My stress level could either weaken or strengthen the telekinetic energy around my body. So my mom made sure to constantly stress that my powers were to only be used in self defense or in dire circumstances where everything was on the line. As fate would have it, I found myself in a situation where everything was on the line. It was the day that my best friend....became my greatest enemy.

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