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You were on your way out to the garden after Miyabi had entered your room and asked if you could meet him outside right away. You had no idea what was so important that he had to see you out in the gardens, you shrugged your shoulders, there was no point thinking about it now. Just as you were about to open the door to step outside you notice a shadowy figure through the door that resembled Miyabi. You smiled as you slowly opened the door expecting to see Miyabi on the other side but when you looked out you realize the shadowy figure you thought was Miyabi is gone and nowhere to be seen.

You swung your head around to try spot Miyabi but there was not a soul around, "Huh. How odd." Feeling a little on edge you stepped outside, when suddenly, little fireballs appeared around you. There was dozens of them floating all over, it appeared as if they were dancing around you as they gracefully moved through the air.

You felt a chill run down your spine as they looked identical to Miyabi's Kitsunebi but you couldn't see him anywhere. The tiny flames got closer and closer completely surrounding you. By this point your whole body had started to shake, you hurriedly crouched down holding onto your head, "Ahhh!" You screamed, "G-go away!" You felt yourself trembling, you thought someone might be attacking you. You were scared outta your wits and you just wanted it to stop. "S-sniff..." A few tears had escaped from your teary eyes.

"H-hey, it's okay." You hear a familiar voice call out to you and you feel yourself start to relax a little. As you look up, you see Miyabi running towards you with a concerned look before noticing the balls of fire were gone. "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to scare you." Miyabi took your hand and helped you to stand up as he wiped away the few tears on your cheeks.

"It was you all along..." You brought your gaze down below as you bit your lip trying to keep your emotions at bay and the overwhelming feeling of wanting to slap Miyabi for scaring you half to death. "I really am sorry. I promise I won't do it again. It just was... Well, "Miyabi scratches the back of his head as he stumbles about his words a slight blush on his cheeks, "I thought you might like it. I was hoping I'd impress you but I guess it was the exact opposite, huh?"

You look at him speechless, it might have been pretty cool if it wasn't for the fact you couldn't see who they were coming from and there wasn't so many of them and they looked to be coming straight for you. You bring your gaze back up to him and playfully punch him on the shoulder as you pretended to be very annoyed, "Don't do that again, okay?" Miyabi nodded his head as he held his shoulder where you had hit him, "I promise, I won't. After all, I want you to fall madly in love with me, not for you to hate me..." Miyabi sighed as he trailed off, you cocked your head, you thought you must have misheard him, "What did you say?" Miyabi quickly shook his head and dodged the question, "How about we go play around in your bedroom? I can help you to calm down." Miyabi whispered into your ear seductively as he placed one hand on your butt.

Your eyes immediately grew wide, unable to hold back any longer, you slapped Miyabi across the face and stormed back inside. Not fazed in the slightest, Miyabi placed a hand on his cheek and smiled, "She just gave me a love slap. Oh yeah. She'll fall for me in no time." Miyabi looked proud rubbing his cheek as he headed back inside.

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