Unexpected (Stingue fanfic)ONESHOT

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This one shot is for the beloved hanlovespasta! Han made a beautiful book called the drunk list and this is like a side view kind of thing that happens. ^.^ i sincerely hope that you enjoy!

Sting stared at the clock. Five seconds. Four. Three. Two. One.

~Riiiiiiiinnnnngg~ The bells sound shouted in the room. Sting stood up and walked out of the classroom eagerly yet slowly. Once he was near the supply room he snatched Rougue's hand and quickly pulled him through he door and locked it.

"S-sting... what are y-Mhf!" Rougue was cut off by lips being pressed against his. He was too shocked to respond so he just stood the for a while. Sting pulled him closer, causing the raven's face to turn red. Hesitantly Rougue wrapped his arms around Sings neck and kissed back passionately. Sting licked Rougue's bottom lip and got his reward he shot his tongue into the other's mouth, exploring every inch of it, their tongues fought for dominance but soon Rougue gave up. A loud moan escaped Rougue's mouth as Sting licked his neck at his soft spot. "Nng... Sting..."

"Sssshh," Was his reply before biting and sucking on Rougue's soft spot earning moans of pleasure. Sting licked it once more earning a jolt from the other, a smirk rose on his face. He kissed Rougue's lips again and noticed how flushed the other's face was. Grabbing Rougue's butt, he pulled him closer into the kiss earning a surprised gasp. Rougue covered his mouth when Sting rubbed his inner thigh.

"Baka! what are you doing?!" He screeched then sighed when he didn't get an answer. Sting kissed all over his neck leaving marks. Slowly he moved his hand under Rougue's shirt who slightly tensed, quickly he removed the boy's shirt and started licking and playing with his nipples. "St-haah-phh." Rougue managed to moan out, gripping Sting's shirt.

"Do you not like it?" Sting pouted.

Blushing the raven responded. "Th... that's not what I said is it?"

~Riiiiinngg~~ the bell roared. "Shit." Sting turned on the light and threw Rougue his shirt. "Sorry for getting carried away..." Rougue kissed his cheek.

"It's okay." He slapped Sting. "But. Next time don't make so many hickies (dunno how to spell) baka!" Sting rubbed his cheek and unlocked the door to come face to face with a student with props in her hands. She was blushing like a fool.

"E-excuse me..." She stuttered as she walked inside, placing the props down and leaving, still blushing. Rougue's face was flushed as he walked out behind Sting who seemed slightly embarrassed as well.

"Bye, see you in class. K?" He earned a nod and just as he was about to run ofd Rougue pulled him into a short heated kiss.

"That's what you get for making me horny." Rougue growled before heading to class. Sting smirked.

"Have fun explaining those hickies!.. He yelled earning a glare. He winked and blew a kiss in the raven's direction before he ran to class. How would he explain to the teacher, why he was late?! "Damnit!" He stressed lengthening the 'i'.

Hope it was good. First one shot ever! heheh. Btw i know you got a nosebleed then got upset when i ended it at a heated part but they had to get to class! Blame the person who made it during school! Jk dun hurt her, she makes the bestest books in the universe! i know bestest isn't a word but eh. Anyway Han, hope you liked it! hanlovespasta is. the. BEST.

:3 hi

Unexpected (Stingue fanfic)ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now