I am nothing but grains of sand-
Bits, pieces and chunks of uncertainty and
Disbelief all raveled up together in one.
I am nothing but grains of sand-
Merely a handful of chaos and turmoil being
Pushed and pulled and dragged by the turbulent
Outstretched hands of the oceans raging within me.
I am nothing but grains of sand-
A collection of unsolid thoughts and
Feelings jumbled together that cannot withstand
The churning force of the winds brewing all around me.
Yet You seeing past the mess that is me
Knows that there is something uniquely beautiful
Lingering in my mess of chaos and turbulence-
Something I myself cannot see.
You with your delicate, gentle hand
Nudges me in the right direction; guiding
Me past snares, holes and other traps lying in
The road.
When You look at me You do not see bits and pieces
Of sand but rather someone who given time,
Love and patience can be molded and tempered into
Something solid and firm like You.
For now I may be nothing but bits and pieces
And grains of sand-
But with my trust in You I can become more
Than just little parts and portions-
I can be made whole.
Grains of Sand
Poetry{COMPLETED} A Christian/LDS poem entitled, "Grains of Sand" ["Grains of Sand" © Meridian James 2014.]