Angels , Urchins , & a Baby Oh My !

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When Lucifer married Chloe Decker, he didn't think he'd ever feel more love in his heart than he did at that moment.

The day Lily Jane Morningstar was born, he realized how very wrong he was.

From the moment his daughter was placed in his arms, Lucifer knew that he would do anything and everything to protect his little cherub.

With curly blond hair, bright blue eyes and her father's facial features, Lily was the most beautiful thing Lucifer had seen outside of his Detective. Her little wings were a deep black with flecks of silver throughout, resembling that of a starry sky.

Most days, Lily Jane was a perfectly behaved baby....practically angelic.

Today, however, was not one of those days.

"Aw, c'mon Lil," Trixie moaned," Can't you come down already?".

Her six month old sister was currently hanging off the chandelier she'd managed to fly up to.

"Urchin, what the me are you yelling about....bugger," Lucifer sighed as he unfurled his wings and flew up to grab the wayward angel baby.

"Lily girl," Lucifer said as they got back to the ground, " how many times does daddy have to tell you to stop getting on the ceiling, hmm?".

Lily just giggled at her father. "Dada!" She cooed as her eyes briefly flashed red. Lucifer gave her a kiss on the forehead before setting her down with a toy.

Trixie shook her head, " she is way too much like you, Lucifer".

Lucifer looked at her inquisitively, "and what exactly is wrong with being a chip off the old devil?".

"Oh nothing," Trixie said slyly,"except that chip off the old devil just flew up to the ceiling again".

"Bloody Hell"

At that moment, a flapping sound could be heard as a figure with bronze wings landed on the balcony.

Lily looked over at the new person and a big smile graced her features.

"Wags!" Lily squealed as she rocketed away from the ceiling.

Raguel barely had a chance to put his wings away when he found himself with an arm full of squirming néphillim.

"Hey little star," Raguel said as he balanced the baby on his hip, "how's my favorite little niece".

A stink-eye from Trixie had him adjusting his phrasing .

"Erm...I mean how is my Other favorite little niece" Raguel replied, laughing nervously.

The smug look on the older girl's face told him that he'd manage to save himself from her least for the moment.

"Well, brother," Lucifer drawled," what brings you here to darken my doorstep...again?".

This had become a bit of a ritual for them. Ever since reuniting to fight that poltergeist, Raguel would frequently visit Lucifer, while the Devil pretended he was annoyed by the whole thing. In reality, he was glad that at least some of his family wanted to see him.

"What? I can't come visit my family?" Raguel said in mock offense.

"You can as long as you're not ghost hunting again," Chloe laughed as she emerged from the bedroom.

The detective gave her husband a quick peck on the lips before walking over to her baby girl.

"Come here,Angel," Chloe cooed.

With a flap of tiny wings, Lily jumped out of her uncle's arms and into her mother's. She snuggled into Chloe's embrace and let out a small yawn as her eyes closed.

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