Just the beginning for us

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WARNING! This might not be suitable for sensitive readers.

It was an average day or so Henry thought as he parked his car and walked to the door where his best friend William lived. The house was big and white and was two stories tall. He knew William wasn't feeling to good so he decided to visit him. He knocked on the door, but he didn't get an answer. He knocked again, but still didn't get an answer. He knew where the spare key was, under the door mat. He picked it up and got inside and locked the door behind him. He walked inside the clean, dark, room as he tried to find a light switch. He finally found the switch and turned on the lights. The house was clean as he had expected. The house was empty for others than William who he knew was in his bedroom.

Henry walked upstairs and knocked on William's door. "Will? Are you in here?" He called out to his best friend. 'No answer...' he thought to himself. "William, it's me Henry." He called out again. "You're here already, Hen?" A obvious British accent reached out in a tired voice. Henry sighed in relief that he was still alive. "Yes, it's 3:15 pm. You didn't show up today, so I thought you needed company. Can I come in?" He asked almost laughing between the words. "Yeah... you can come in." William answered.  Henry walked in to see William almost passed out his desk with paperwork in front of him. "What happe-" he paused as he saw William's medication that he used to keep down his sadistic personality disorder, laying spilled all over the table. "Did you take to many again?" Henry asked in a calming voice. "I-I don't know... I-I blacked out, again. I-I-I'm sorry H-Henry..." William said as he tried to straighten his back. Henry blushed as he thought Williams stuttering was adorable. "Don't be sorry Will. You shouldn't be so sad about trying to get better." He walked over to him helping him up. "T-thank y-you." William mumbled. William was about 13 cm taller than Henry, so he held himself up by his shoulder. "Did you drink again?" Henry said looking up at William. "N-no..." he answered. "You smell like wine, Will. I'm not stupid." He giggled a bit. "You look adorable when you're drunk, you know that?" He said again smiling, and blushing lightly. Henry knew he could say anything to William when he was drunk, he would forget it later anyway. "I-I am?" William said looking down at Henry with his charming light blue eyes. "Of course you are Will!" He said as he was looking at his face. "Of course I am..." he said as he started dozing off. "William! Don't fall asleep now. You can sleep later." William shook his head waking up again. "But I'm tired and feel sick..." William said barely understandable. "I'll try my best to help you feel better." Henry said.

Time skip to a few hours later.

Henry tried to follow him down to his kitchen but William insisted:"I can walk myself!" "If you say so." He let go of Williams slim figure. "See?" William said rudely. "See you downstairs then." Henry walked down then looked up at him, a struggling William walking down the stairs holding on to the side of the staircase for his dear life. "Uh... um Henry...." William said nervously. Henry laughed as he walked up again the help his friend. "When will you learn?" He said as he grabbed his arm and helping him down. "Thank you. I can walk myself now." William said getting on his feet when he reached on the bottom of the stairs.
They both walked to the kitchen, Henry a bit faster than William. "Do you want some water?" Henry asked. "Yes please." William answered. Henry passed him the glass of water. William drank it up quickly because he was almost dehydrated. "Thirsty today huh?" Henry asked with a smirk on his face. "Yeah. You get a bit thirsty if you forget to drink in HOURS." He answered rudely. Henry just laughed nervously in response. "You know Hen, I think I can be alone today." He said looking away and crossed his arms. "Are you sure Will?" Henry said leaning closer to him. He didn't realize how close they were. William got bright red. "H-He-Henry w-what are you doing...?" William muttered. "Hmm... Great! At least your not drunk anymore." Henry said happily as he ignored William's question. "Henry..." Henry still ignored him. "HENRY." William raised his voice trying to catch his attention. Henry backed away quickly as he got scared by William raising his voice at him. "Y-Yes Will?" He said nervously. "What were you doing so close to my face?" William said a bit strictly. "Making sure that you weren't drunk!" Henry answered happily. 'And I got to take a look at your beautiful eyes.' He thought to himself as he met Williams eyes again. "Well if that's all, see you tomorrow at the Diner then." William said as his eyes lit up like they usually did when he was happy. "Okay then, goodbye Will." Henry said walking out the door. "Yeah, goodbye Hen!" William said response as he walked to the door and locked it. He went over and made some tea then he sat down at the couch and started reading the newspaper and drinking the tea he just made. In the newspaper it was news of the Restaurant Henry and himself had just opened. "This will be a great adventure, dear friend." He said to himself as he looked at a picture of them outside the restaurant.
"Fredbear's Family Diner." He said to himself, reminding him of the name.

Writers note:
Please don't judge this, it is my first writing a fan fiction and I'm aware it sucks. Not a lot of romance in this one, I promise I'll write more romance and a bit "other" things too. So stay tuned. In total it's 1024 words.

A nervous smile and a smug grin. (helliam/willry)Where stories live. Discover now