Your Character

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Ok, this is the same as the Percy Jackson roleplay, so just comment your details again! (This is mine)

Name: Storm Woods
Superhero name: Night Storm
Appearance out of costume: Dark red, messy shoulder length hair, tanned, freckles, athletic build, very short, big green eyes and a wonky smile
Appearance in costume: black knee length boots and gloves with silver rims, black eye mask, cape and hood that covers torso. Underneath the cape is a black skintight jumpsuit with a silver storm cloud and a lightning bolt symbol on the black belt. Her hair turns to a white and grey streaked, backcombed mess and her eyes become stormy grey.
Abilities: Can create storms, fly and sink into the shadows.
Personality: Prankster, fun, easygoing, mysterious and shy unless you know her.
Backstory: her parents died at a young age and she got bullied at an orphanage for 6 years until she ran away when she was 13 and has lived on the streets. (Still goes to school though)
Weapon: A bow and arrow, throwing knives, or her signature weapon, a long, metal stick that splits in two.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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