New Year

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A disclaimer: I do not own anything DC or anything, I borrowed from other media.

Happy New Year Static

*Early afternoon in Coast city*

Virgil Hawkins's New year's eve has not started the way he would have liked it to go. He already didn't have plans for the holiday though for the past few years he never had plans for this day. Usually, his sister would hang out with her friends while his pops would be working. During the younger days when his mom was alive, the Hawkins family would be together; however, that changed after her death. Virgil would hang out with his best friend Richie, but this year he would be out of town, so right now, he is caught in a fight with one of his foes.

"What's wrong Static, no lame jokes or stupid puns to come up with?" The villain known as Starburst questions the hero as he charges his gauntlet. "Maybe this is your way of showing respect to the guy who is way better than you!" Starburst sends an electric blast towards Static.

Static dodges the attack and responds with an annoyed tone. "Look here star fruit; I am not in the mood to come up with the many reasons that your fruity self-suck as a bad guy."

"So, the lighting hero does have a temper." Starburst begins to make his move only to receive a red arrow to his shoulder where a wire is split open from his armor. "Hey!?"

Both Static and Starburst turn towards the source who has a bow with another arrow aimed at the villain. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I prefer the fun side of Sparky and his lame puns."

"Speedy?" Static happily smiles with excitement.

Speedy smirks and says, "That's right, and as for you go human starburst, you have failed this city."

Hearing the catchphrase, Static gives her a mock glare. "Yeah, I'm sure Green Arrow would want his content back for at least mines are original."

"It was worth a shot until I came up with my own thing." Speedy shrugs.

Seeing the two heroes banter like this doesn't sit well for Starburst. Already he had to deal with Static stealing his thunder, now the partner of Green Arrow shows up taking away, even more, attention from him. "Oh hell no, it's bad enough my former boss used to ignore me. I refuse to get the same treatment from you two!"

Both Static and Speedy glance at the foe before turning back to each other with Static the first to speak. "Is this going to be one of that random but epic team-up?"

"Despite how clique that sounds, I would say so." Speedy answers at the two leaps into action, making quick work of Starburst. After dealing with the press on their unexpected meetup, Static invites her over to his place so they can chat in private.

Once there, Virgil removes his mask and offers her a seat. "So Mrs. Queen, what do I owe the pleasure for it's not every day Coast city gets visits from Speedy of Team Arrow." He asks while getting them both bottles of water out of his fridge.

Thea leans back and relaxes, admiring Virgil's apartment. "Don't let my brother hear you call his team that. As far as why I'm here, can't a friend visit her friend?" She jokes, getting a chuckle out of Virgil as he passes her drink.

"She can, though something tells me there's more to this surprise appearance." With Thea lived in Starling city, the two young adults don't get to see each other often. Not that he wasn't happy to see her; if anything, he's excited to see her since it been some time since he last saw her.

They met each other through Oliver, who already had cross paths with Static during a run-in with him to stop a deal between Werner Zytle and Static's nemesis Ebon to expand the drug Vertigo in Coast City when they worked together to stop Vandal Savage. During that time, Virgil and Thea got to know each other a bit and decided to be friends where at times, they would check up on each other to see how they were doing.

Happy New Year StaticWhere stories live. Discover now