A Yakky Reunion

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A Yakky Reunion

AN1: Co-written between Vala411 & Harrypanther (Warning: Please be aware both of us are either tipsy, sugarhigh or both)

AN2: No teachers, buildings or yaks were harmed in the making of this story. Just 'slightly' singed.

AN3: Disclaimer: We don't own How To Train Your Dragon (more's the pity). Rights remain with Cressida Cowell and Dreamworks.


"PLEAAAAASEEEEE!" Snotlout begged as he hugged his neighbour's legs, on his knees. The begging continued, causing the blonde woman to roll her eyes in exasperation and mild disgust. "Astrid please help me out here!" Snotlout continued. They had been neighbours for close to two years now and Snotlout knew he and Astrid didn't start off on the right foot but he thought that she was warming up to him.

"Why me again?" Astrid asked with a roll of her eyes. "Also stand up, you're embarrassing yourself." Snotlout scrambled off the hall floor of their apartment building and looked at Astrid with pleading puppy-dog eyes.

"Because you're literally the only one who can do it!" Snotlout whined. The blonde woman pursed her lips and scanned the stocky man in his security guard's uniform.

"Lily on the third floor rejected you, didn't she?" she deadpanned.

"Yes," Snotlout signed. He was hugging her legs tighter.

"Maddie on the fifth floor?" Astrid guessed.

"Shut the door in my face." Snotlout conceded.

"Jane at the reception?"

"Threatened me with mace," Snotlout muttered.

"Rochelle on the fourth floor?"

"Kicked me in the...well, let's say she wasn't at all keen..." Snotlout grumbled with a wince. "Hey, I even asked our landlord."

"Our landlord is a 64-year-old woman with 8 cats," Astrid pointed out, folding her arms disapprovingly.

"I know," Snotlout uttered. "She said I wasn't sexy enough for her."

"And you came to me last?" Astrid checked, raising an eyebrow and scowling as Snotlout gulped.

"Well, I didn't think you'd agree," he pleaded pitifully.

"You're right. I don't," the blonde snapped and was about to slam the door when Snotlout shouted:


Astrid stopped and peered at Snotlout with a cynical eye. "Those special Mille-feuille cakes?" she asked him carefully.

"I work Security in the building across from that bakery. I can get them before they are sold out!" Snotlout told her desperately. "All I need is this little favour."

Astrid thought for a moment, her azure eyes assessing Snotlout. She had been seriously craving those cakes again but they were always sold out when she went after work. Her neighbour was getting desperate with bribing her because they weren't cheap-but did she want to be seen in public with a rather short, stocky, desperate security guard who had issues with regular bathing and had flirted horribly with her for over a year?

But cakes were cakes...

"Fine, I'll do it. I'll be your date to your High School reunion," Astrid stated, causing Snotlout to punch the air with glee. "And I expect the first cake IN ADVANCE or the deal's off!"

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