Chapter 5

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"Why haven't you been calling or texting me?" I shouted into the phone as soon as Byron answered the phone.

It had been nearly three weeks since the last time he and I had sex and I was getting antsy. Ronald was handling his business the way a man should, but I had grown accustomed to sleeping with all two of them. Having one without the other wasn't enough anymore.

"Lava, why do you always have to be so turned up. You're a damn Psychiatrist, but you act like you're a goddamn mental patient." He shouted into the phone.

I knew I was acting like a brat, but it had been three weeks since the Dakota incident, and this nigga had not asked to marry me yet. I was becoming impatient.

I had given this man nine years of my life, pussy and head, anywhere and everywhere he wanted, and got rid of the person that was standing in between us. The fact that he and I were still in the same place we always were, was starting to piss me off.

"I'm not trying to upset you Byron. I just want to know what's been keeping you so preoccupied lately." I said in my sincerest voice.

Byron had to know that I loved him and would walk through hell on earth for him. But right now, at this very moment he was wearing my patience thin.

"Lavanya, I know you mean well. But, now is just not a good time for me to be dealing with you. I got a lot going on right now. There's a lot of pressure on me and I just don't have time to focus on anything extra." He said.

"Anything extra? When did I become something extra? When did I become an item on your to do list?" I asked as anger raced through my veins.

"This was all Dakota's fucking fault." I said to myself as I squeezed the glass in my hand so tightly that it shattered.

It resembled the broken pieces of my heart as his words shot daggers through me. If Dakota hadn't fucked my man, and trapped him with that ugly ass little boy, we would not be in this predicament. I could forgive the affair, but I could not forgive him for the baby.

Now that she was out of the picture, he didn't even tell me that she was gone. I only knew because I was the one that had eliminated her Blasian ass. As close as Byron and I were, I expected him to tell me all the details of his life. The good and the bad, but he was withholding information and I didn't like that. It made me wonder what other secrets he may have been keeping that I didn't know about.

"Lava chill the fuck out. I got more shit to do with my life than to throw dick at you every fucking day. You act like you need a nigga to spoon feed your ass. I got a son, and he's old enough to feed his damn self. I'm not doing for you what I don't have to do for him." He screamed in the phone. I could not believe that he threw that little nigga in my damn face.

"Nigga, what the fuck did you just say to me?" I asked in a clipped tone.

For the entire time that Byron and I were together, I kept a lot of my pass mistakes to myself. He had no idea how I gave it up. But if he kept talking to me like he didn't have any sense, he would soon be finding out.

"All I'm saying is you don't know how to stop applying pressure. When I tell you I don't want to talk about something or when I tell you I need some time to myself, just accept that shit. Goddamn. When I'm ready to talk about shit, don't I come to you?" He asked.

"Yes, you do." I said as I felt my anger deflate. "I'm sorry baby. I'm just not used to you going days and weeks without speaking to me or sending me a quick 'I miss you' text. I get nervous sometimes. The last time we had a slight break, you married a bitch making me look like a crazy side bitch."


It was so quiet on the phone that I thought he hung up. After all I had just said, Byron still hadn't said a word.

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